Gmelin's test for bile pigments: Gmelin's test is a specific test used for the qualitative detection of bile pigments in urine. The bile pigments i.e bilirubin and biliverdin are almost entirely excreted through the bile by the liver but in conditions like obstructive jaundice, where bile ducts get blocked, the bile pigments start appearing in the urine. Gmelin's test … [Read more...]
Benzidine test – Its principle, reagents and procedure
Benzidine test: Benzidine test is a specific test used for the determination of blood (RBCs or haemoglobin) in urine. Kidney diseases or any injury to the urinary tract may result in leakage of blood in the urine. Blood (Haemoglobin) may occur in the urine as intact corpuscles (RBC) as in haematuria or free in the solution (Haemoglobin). Haemoglobinuria occurs in a certain … [Read more...]
Indican test in urine – Its principle, reagents and procedure
Indican test in urine: Indican test in urine is a general test used for the determination of indican in urine. The Indican test in urine is also called an obermeyer test. Indican is an indole which is produced when intestinal bacteria in the intestine act on the amino acid, tryptophan. Reagents: 1% alcoholic α-naphthol 3% H2O2 Concentrated HCL Procedure: … [Read more...]
Urease test for Urea – Its principle, reagents and procedure
Urease test for Urea: So the urease test for Urea is a specific test for the detection of urea in urine. Urease test principle: Urea is a diamide of carbonic acid. Urea is hydrolyzed with the release of ammonia and carbon dioxide. Many organisms especially have an urease enzyme which can split urea in the presence of water to release ammonia and carbon dioxide. The ammonia … [Read more...]
Test for calcium, magnesium and phosphate in urine
Test for calcium, magnesium and phosphate in urine: So the test for calcium, magnesium and phosphate in urine can be done with ease by the following methods. Test for Magnesium in urine: Chemicals Required: A concentrated solution of ammonia. Urine Procedure: Take 5 ml of urine of urine in a test tube. Add 1 ml of a concentrated solution of ammonia. … [Read more...]
Test for Chlorides in urine – Its principle and procedure
Test for Chlorides in urine: Urine contains a high concentration of chlorides ions. Test for chlorides in urine is performed on the urine by the following procedure. Chemical required: Concentrated HNO3. 2% silver nitrate solution. Besides these, we also need urine on which we want to perform a test. Procedure: Take 2 ml of urine in a test tube. Add 2 … [Read more...]
Test for calcium in milk – Its principle and procedure
Test for calcium in milk: Milk contain a high concentration of calcium. Test for calcium in milk is performed on the filtrate obtain from the milk. First, learn how to get filtrate from milk. To do this first take 20 ml of milk in a beaker and add 18 ml of 1% acetic acid in it. The precipitate is formed due to calcium acetate. Filter the solution to obtain precipitate and … [Read more...]
Test for Lactalbumin and Lactoglobulin in milk – Its principle and procedure
Test for Lactalbumin and Lactoglobulin in milk: To perform the test for Lactalbumin and Lactoglobulin in milk, first we will extract filtrate of milk, and then we will carry out the test on this filtrate. To obtain filtrate of milk follows the below procedure. Obtaining of filtrate from milk: Procedure: Take 20 ml of milk in a beaker. Add 1% acetic acid drop by … [Read more...]
Fat determination in milk – Its principle and procedure
Test for Fat determination in milk: Milk is the fluid secreted by the mammary gland, particularly free from colostrum. It is an emulsion of lipids in a solution of proteins, a sugar, and inorganic salts. Other constituents include some organic acids or their salts, vitamins, enzymes and antibodies. We will explain fat determination in milk below. Precipitation of Casein and … [Read more...]
Liebermann burchard test for cholesterol – Its principle and procedure
Liebermann Burchard test for cholesterol: Liebermann Burchard test is a specific test for the detection of cholesterol. Reagents: Cholesterol solution Acetic anhydride Concentrated sulphuric acid Procedure: Take 1 ml of cholesterol solution in a dry test tube. Add 10 drops of acetic anhydride. Then add 2 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid. Mix … [Read more...]