Milk contain a high concentration of chloride ions. Test for chlorides in milk is performed on the filtrate obtain from the milk. First, learn how to get filtrate from milk. To do this first take 20 ml of milk in a beaker and add 18 ml of 1% acetic acid in it. The precipitate is formed due to calcium acetate. Filter the solution to obtain precipitate and filtrate. Now to … [Read more...]
Protein Biuret test – Its Principle, Reagents, Procedure etc
What is Protein Biuret test: Protein Biuret test is given by all substances containing two or more peptide linkages i.e. proteins and their hydrolytic products (proteases and Peptones). Dipeptides and amino acids do not give this reaction. The name "Biuret" was given to a compound Which was produced after urea was heated at 180°C. This compound on reaction With the dilute … [Read more...]
OSAZONE TEST – For differentiation of reducing sugar
Osazone test is performed to differentiate the reducing sugars on the basis of crystal formation. REAGENTS: 1. Phenylhydrazine mixture consisting of: i. Phenylhydrazine, and ii. Anhydrous sodium acetate. 2. Original solution (0.8.) – containing a carbohydrate PRINCIPLE: Aldehyde or keto group containing sugars reacts with the amine group of phenylhydrazine to give … [Read more...]
MCAT Biochemistry Review 2020-2021 PDF Free Download
Today we will share the MCAT Biochemistry Review 2020-2021 PDF Free Download. Kaplan’s MCAT Biochemistry Review 2020-2021 presents an professional research plan, detailed topic assessment, and a whole lot of online and in-book practice questions – all authored by the consultants behind the MCAT prep course that has helped extra folks get into medical faculty than all different … [Read more...]
Millon’s test – Its Principle, Reagents, Procedure etc
Millon’s test: (Test For Detection of Tyrosine) Significance: Amino Acid Tyrosine (Hydroxyphenylalanine) and other phenolic compounds give this reaction. Millon’s test is used for the detection of amino acid tyrosine. REAGENTS: Millon’s Reagent: Mixture of mercurous and mercuric nitrates. PRINCIPLE: The mercurous and mercuric nitrate reacts with the hydroxybenzene … [Read more...]
Rothera’s test by Nitroprusside reaction – Its principle and procedure
Rothera’s test by Nitroprusside reaction: Rothera’s test by Nitroprusside reaction is a specific test used for the determination of ketone bodies. The following ketones bodies or acetone bodies are found in the urine during a condition called “ketosis.” Acetone. Acetoacetic acid. β- Hydroxybutyric acid. Ketosis may be associated with diabetes mellitus called … [Read more...]
Cysteine test for sulphur – Its principle, reagents and procedure
Cysteine test for sulphur: Significance: Cysteine test for sulphur is used for the detection of sulphur containing amino acids. Reagents: Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) Lead Acetate Principle: Protein or amino acids when heated with sodium hydroxide, sulphur splits out as sodium sulphide, which on reaction with lead acetate, forms grayish brown to black precipitate of … [Read more...]
Xanthoproteic test for detection of aromatic amino acids
Xanthoproteic Test is a test for benzoid radicals. It is Used to determine the aromatic amino acids in a given sample. Xanthoproteic test principle, procedure and indications are given below. The principle of Xanthoproteic test: The xanthoproteic test is performed for the detection of aromatic amino acids in a protein solution. Aromatic amino acids are tyrosine, tryptophan, … [Read more...]
Pauly’s test – Its principle, reagent and procedure
Pauly's test: Pauly's test is a specific test used for the qualitative detection of tyrosine or histidine (imidazole ring). It is named after German chemist Hermann Pauly, who first described the reaction. Pauly's Test Principle: Diazotised sulphanilic acid reacts with imidazole ring in an alkaline medium to form a red coloured complex. Pauly's test Reagent: … [Read more...]
Heat Coagulation test for protein
Heat Coagulation test for protein: Significance: Heat Coagulation test for protein is used to differentiate between albumin, globulin, gelatin and peptones. REAGENTS: 2% acetic acid. PRINCIPLE: When protein is heated in acidic medium, it becomes denatured because of the breaking of certain bonds, and when this protein is heated at their isoelectric ph, polypeptide chain … [Read more...]