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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Download Medical Books: Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide Since the first printing of this text 50 years ago, pediatric cardiac catheterization, echocardiography, and magnetic resonance imaging have developed and less emphasis has been placed on the more traditional methods of evaluating a cardiac patient.
Most practitioners, however, do not have access to these refined diagnostic techniques or the training to apply them. To evaluate a patient with a finding that could suggest a cardiac issue, a practitioner therefore relies upon either the combination of physical examination, electrocardiogram, and chest X-ray, or referral to a cardiac diagnostic center. Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide formulates guidelines by which a practitioner, medical student, or house officer can approach the diagnostic problem presented by an infant or child with a cardiac finding.

Through proper assessment and integration of the history, physical examination, electrocardiogram, and chest X-ray, the type of problem can be diagnosed correctly in many patients, and the severity and hemodynamics correctly estimated. Even though a patient may ultimately require referral to a cardiac center, the practitioner will appreciate and understand better the specific type of specialized diagnostic studies performed, and the approach, timing, and results of operation or management.
Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide helps select patients for referral and offers guidelines for timing of referrals. Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide has 12 chapters: Chapter 1 (Tools to diagnose cardiac conditions in children) includes sections on history, physical examination, electrocardiography, and chest radiography, and discusses functional murmurs. A brief overview of special procedures, such as echocardiography and cardiac catheterization, is included. Chapter 2 (Environmental and genetic conditions associated with heart disease in children) presents syndromes, genetic disorders, and maternal conditions commonly associated with congenital heart disease. Chapters 3 to 7 are “Classification and physiology of congenital heart disease in children,” “Anomalies with a left-to-right shunt in children” (acyanotic and with increased pulmonary blood flow), “Conditions obstructing blood flow in children” (acyanotic and with normal blood flow), “Congenital heart disease with a rightto-left shunt in children” (cyanosis with increased or decreased pulmonary blood flow), and “Unusual forms of congenital heart disease in children.” This set of chapters discusses specific congenital cardiac malformations.
The hemodynamics of the malformations are presented as a basis for understanding the physical findings, electrocardiogram, and chest radiographs. Emphasis is placed on features that permit differential diagnosis. Chapter 8 (Unique cardiac conditions in newborn infants) describes the cardiac malformations leading to symptoms in the neonatal period and in the transition from the fetal to the adult circulation. Chapter 9 (The cardiac conditions acquired during childhood) includes cardiac problems, such as Kawasaki disease, rheumatic fever, and the cardiac manifestations of systemic diseases which affect children. Chapter 10 (Abnormalities of heart rate and conduction in children) presents the practical basics of diagnosis and management of rhythm disorders in children. Chapter 11 (Congestive heart failure in infants and children) considers the pathophysiology and management of cardiac failure in children. Medical and surgical (including transplantation) treatments are discussed. Chapter 12 (A healthy lifestyle and preventing heart disease in children) discusses preventive issues for children with a normal heart (the vast majority), including smoking, hypertension, lipids, exercise, and other risk factors for cardiovascular disease that become manifest in adulthood.
Prevention and health maintenance issues particular to children with heart disease are also discussed. Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide is not a substitute for the many excellent and encyclopedic texts on pediatric cardiology, or for the expanding number of electronic resources. The references sections accompanying some chapters and the additional reading section at the end of the Pediatric Cardiology: The Essential Pocket Guide include both traditional and online resources chosen to be of greatest value to readers. Certain generalizations are made. In pediatric cardiology, as in all fields, exceptions occur. Therefore, not all instances of cardiac abnormality will be correctly diagnosed on the basis of the criteria set forth here.
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