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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Microbiology with Diseases by Body System 5th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Microbiology with Diseases by Body System – The reemergence of whooping cough, mumps, and measles and the emergence of Zika virus infections, spotted fever rickettsioses, Middle East respiratory syndrome, and other diseases; cases of strep throat, MRSA, and tuberculosis; the progress of research into microbial genetics; the challenge of increasingly drug-resistant pathogens; the continual discovery of microorganisms previously unknown—these are just a few examples of why exploring microbiology has never been more exciting, or more important.
Welcome! I have taught microbiology to undergraduates for over 30 years and witnessed firsthand how students struggle with the same topics and concepts year after year. To address these challenging topics, I have created new Video Tutors: four in addition to those already incorporated into the first 18 chapters of the text and ten that cover the Disease in Depth features. Microbiology with Diseases by Body System

The Video Tutors and Disease in Depth features walk students through key concepts in microbiology, bringing the art of the textbook to life and important concepts into view. In creating this textbook, my aim was to help students see complex topics of microbiology—especially metabolism, genetics, and immunology—in a way that they can understand, while at the same time presenting a thorough and accurate overview of microbiology. I also wished to highlight the many positive effects of microorganisms on our lives, along with the medically important microorganisms that cause disease. Microbiology with Diseases by Body System
New to This Edition
In approaching the fifth edition, my goal was to build upon the strengths and success of the previous editions by updating it with the latest scientific and educational research and data available and by incorporating many terrific suggestions received from colleagues and students alike. The feedback from instructors who adopted previous editions has been immensely gratifying and is much appreciated. Seven new Solve the Problem! features use problem-based learning, encouraging students to put knowledge into practice. The Disease at a Glance features have been widely praised by instructors and students, so I, along with art editor Kelly Murphy, developed six new Disease in Depth features, most as two-page spreads, that use compelling art and photos to provide a detailed, visually unsurpassed overview of a specific disease. Microbiology with Diseases by Body System
Each Disease in Depth feature includes an Investigate It! question with a QR code directing students to a Video Tutor that explores the topic. These activities are assignable in MasteringMicrobiology®. Another goal for this edition was to provide additional instruction on important foundational concepts and processes.
To that end, I developed and narrated three new core concept Video Tutors, accessible via QR codes in the textbook and assignable in MasteringMicrobiology®. The result is, once again, a collaborative effort of educators, students, editors, and top scientific illustrators: a textbook that, I hope, continues to improve upon conventional explanations and illustrations in substantive and effective ways. In this new edition:
• NEW Solve the Problem features carry education to a new level with problem-based learning exercises that excite, inspire, and stimulate students to apply critical thinking skills to current microbiological quandaries. Each of the seven Solve the Problem features challenges students to work together to devise and articulate possible resolutions. Solve the Problem exercises can stand alone or be expanded with ambitious extensions and resources available in MasteringMicrobiology®. Microbiology with Diseases by Body System
• NEW Disease in Depth features highlight important diseases: Rocky Mountain spotted fever, candidiasis, malaria, papillomas, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, and influenza, extending the visual impact of the art program. Each of these new Disease in Depth features contains infographics, provides in-depth coverage of the selected disease, and includes a QR code and Investigate It! question that directs students to a Video Tutor exploring the topic and prompting further inquiry and critical thinking. New assignable Disease in Depth coaching activities in MasteringMicrobiology® encourage students to apply and test their understanding of key concepts. Microbiology with Diseases by Body System
• NEW Video Tutors developed and narrated by the author walk students through key concepts. New to this edition are Video Tutors on glycolysis, protein translation, and antigen processing. These Video Tutors bring the textbook art to life and help students visualize and understand tough topics and important processes. Thirty-two video tutorials are accessible via QR codes in the textbook and are accompanied by multiple-choice questions, assignable in MasteringMicrobiology®. Microbiology with Diseases by Body System
• New Micro Matters features tie together subjects from different chapters to encourage students to apply and synthesize new knowledge as they explore medical cases and answer pertinent questions. Each of the five Micro Matters video tutorials is accessible via QR code and paired with assessments in MasteringMicrobiology®.
• The genetics and immunology chapters (Chapters 7, 8, 15, and 16) have been reviewed and revised by genetics specialists. These now reflect the most current understanding of this rapidly evolving field, including new discussion of next-generation DNA sequencing.
• Over 300 NEW and revised micrographs, photos, and figures enhance student understanding of the text and boxed features.
• NEW and EXPANDED MasteringMicrobiology® includes: NEW Interactive Microbiology, a dynamic suite of interactive tutorials and animations that teach key concepts in the context of a clinical setting. Students actively engage with each topic and learn from manipulating variables, predicting outcomes, and answering formative and summative assessments. Topics include Operons; Complement; Biofilms and Quorum Sensing; Antibiotic Resistance, Mechanisms; Antibiotic Resistance, Selection; and more. Microbiology with Diseases by Body System
• NEW Micro Matters case tutorials and assessments connect chapter concepts and coach students through applying and synthesizing new knowledge.
• NEW MicroBoosters pair video tutorials and assessments covering key concepts that students often need to review, including Basic Chemistry, Cell Biology, Biology and more!
• The Microbiology Lab resources include MicroLab Tutors, which use lab technique videos, 3-D molecular animations, and step-by-step tutorials to help students make connections between lecture and lab.
• Lab Technique Videos and pre-lab quizzes ensure students come prepared for lab time.
• Lab Practical and post-lab quizzes reinforce what students have learned. MasteringMicrobiology® also provides access to Dynamic Study Modules to help students acquire, retain, and recall information faster and more efficiently than ever before, with textbookspecific explanations and art. Dynamic Study Modules are available for use as a self-study tool or as assignments. Microbiology with Diseases by Body System
Instructors also now have the option to give Adaptive Follow-Up assignments that provide student-specific additional coaching and practice. These question sets continuously adapt to each student’s needs, making efficient use of homework time. Additionally, MasteringMicrobiology® includes Learning Catalytics—a “bring your own device” student engagement, assessment, and classroom intelligence system. With Learning Catalytics, instructors can assess students in real time using open-ended tasks to probe student understanding using Pearson’s library of questions or designing their own. The following section provides a detailed outline of this edition’s chapter-by-chapter revisions
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