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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology 11th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Studying the human body can be overwhelming at times. The new terminology, used to describe body parts and how they work, can make it seem as if you are studying a foreign language.
Learning all the parts of the body, along with the composition of each part, and how each part fits with the other parts to make the whole requires memorization. Understanding the way each body part works individually, as well as body parts working together, requires a higher level of knowledge, comprehension, and application. Identifying underlying structural similarities, from the macroscopic to the microscopic levels of body organization, taps more subtle critical thinking skills. This chapter will catalyze success in this active process of learning. (Remember that while the skills and tips discussed in this chapter relate to learning anatomy and physiology, they can be applied to other subjects.) Learning occurs in different ways or modes.

Most students use several modes (multimodal), but are more comfortable and use more effectively one or two learning styles.Some students prefer to read the written word to remember it and the concept it describes or to actually write the words; others learn best by looking at visual representations, such as photographs and drawings. Still others learn most effectively by hearing the information or explaining it to someone else. For some learners, true understanding remains elusive until a principle is revealed in a laboratory or clinical setting that provides a memorable context and engages all of the senses. This text is balanced among the learning styles; readwrite learners will appreciate the lists, definitions (glossary), and tables; visual learners will discover in the pages of text many diagrams, flow charts, and figures, all with consistent and purposeful use of color (in figures where bones are color-coded, for example, a particular bone is always the same color); auditory learners will find pronunciations whenever new scientific terms are introduced, so that they may “sound out” the new vocabulary
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Download Hole’s Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology 11th Edition PDF
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