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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Anatomy: A Photographic Atlas 8th Edition 2020 PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Anatomy: A Photographic Atlas – The knowledge of the structure and topography of the various organs of the human body is a prerequisite not only for the education of medical students but also for everyone involved in diagnostic and therapy of human diseases.
This knowledge can optimally be gained by dissection of the human body, with an excellent atlas by one’s side. Today there exist a number of good anatomic atlases, but most of them contain mainly schematic drawings, which minimally reflect reality. In contrast, the photographs of the actual anatomic specimens have the advantage of conveying the reality of the object with its proportions and spatial dimensions in a more accurate manner. On the other hand, schematic drawings help us to better understand the photos.

Therefore, in this eighth edition, the number of drawings has greatly been increased and old drawings have been replaced by new ones specifically adapted to their accompanying photos. The didactic purpose of this atlas is not only to help the student understand the topography of the human body. We also hope to provide a way to systematically learn the anatomical structures and functions. Therefore, the chapters of regional anatomy are consequently placed behind a systematic description of the anatomical structures – e.g., before dissecting an extremity, the student can study the systematic anatomy of the involved bones, joints, muscles, nerves, and vessels. Anatomy: A Photographic Atlas
The correlations between clinical images like MRI and CT scans can best be learned if sections of scans can be directly compared with cadaveric anatomical sections of the same region. In this edition, a number of MRI scans have been added that have been taken in a plane of the related anatomical section. In addition, functional MRI scans of the heart and the related anatomical preparations are included, hopefully increasing the importance of the atlas for clinical purposes. While preparing this new edition, the authors were reminded of how precisely, beautifully, and admirably the human body is constructed.
If Anatomy: A Photographic Atlas helps the student or physician to appreciate the overwhelming beauty of the anatomical architecture of these tissues and organs, then it greatly fulfills its task. Deep interest and admiration of these anatomical structures may create the “love for the human being,” which unhesitatingly becomes the inspiration to pursue the vocation of medicine.
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Download Anatomy: A Photographic Atlas 8th Edition 2020
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