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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of ABC of One to Seven 5th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Practice rather than theory is the keynote of ABC of One to Seven in its straightforward advice on the diseases, emotional problems, and developmental disorders of early childhood. Considerable changes have been made in this edition to bring every page up to date.
The format has been enhanced to make the material more attractive to the reader and all the illustrations are now in colour. New chapters include the prevention and management of obesity, behavioural and emotional problems, the child with fever, and basic life support. Several chapters have been completely rewritten by new authors and refl ect the extensive changes in management since the last edition. These chapters include children with special needs, school failure, child abuse, services for children in the community, primary care, audit in primary care, and children’s social services. The management of problems which are being recognized more frequently such as attention defi cit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have been covered more extensively in this edition. As each chapter has been designed for the management of a specifi c clinical feature, overlap has been inevitable but the advice is consistent.

The latest clinical guidelines from NICE (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) have been incorporated in the text and relevant websites and publications are given at the end of each chapter. Authoritative websites that can be accessed during a consultation with a patient are found in the chapter on primary care. The ABC of One to Seven and the companion book, ABC of the First Year, have become standard guides for general practitioners, doctors in the training grades both in the community and hospital, medical students, midwives, nurses, and health visitors. They have become indispensable reference books for GP surgeries, emergency and outpatient departments, wards, and libraries. For ease of reading and simplicity a single pronoun has been used for feminine and masculine subjects; a specifi c gender is not implied
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