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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Williams Obstetrics 26th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Williams Obstetrics 26th Edition PDF is one of the best book for quick review. It is very good book to study a day before your exam. It can also cover your viva questions and will help you to score very high.
The landmark text that has served generations of obstetrician-gynecologists―fully updated with the most current perspectives of the field
Williams Obstetrics has defined the discipline for generations of obstetrician-gynecologists. Written by authors from the nationally renowned University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Parkland Hospital, the new edition of this authoritative, evidence-based work maintains its trademark comprehensive coverage and applicability at the bedside, while offering the most current information and insights.
Williams Obstetrics 26th Edition PDF has been the landmark of all obstetric medicine for many long years, the most recent facts and ideas are provided in the new edition of this authoritative, evidence-based text while maintaining its hallmark broad coverage and relevance at the bedside. The product of a century of professional thought provides in-depth coverage of obstetrical issues like preterm labor, pregnancy-related hypertension, infection, and bleeding. It also includes basic information on the anatomy, physiology, and prenatal care of the reproductive system. This edition has been improved by the authors with more than 1,000 full-color images and a stronger focus on the rapidly expanding specialism of maternal-fetal medicine.
The culmination of a century of clinical thought, Williams Obstetrics, 26th Edition delivers expert coverage of obstetrical complications, such as preterm labor, pregnancy-related hypertension, infection, and hemorrhage. It additionally offers foundational content on reproductive anatomy, physiology, and prenatal care. The authors have enhanced this edition with 1,000+ full-color illustrations, plus an increased emphasis on the fast-growing subspecialty of Maternal-Fetal Medicine.
No other text matches the long-established scientific rigor and accessibility of Williams Obstetrics. With its state-of-the-art design and review of the newest advances and protocols, this not-be-missed clinical companion brings positive outcomes within reach.
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Features of Williams Obstetrics 26th Edition PDF
Following are the features of Williams Obstetrics 26th Edition PDF:
New and updated content includes:
- Increased focus on Maternal-Fetal Medicine
- Greater coverage of hypertension and hemorrhage
- Deeper insights into in-utero complications
- Expanded fetal t section includes cutting-edge fetal imaging, genetics, prenatal diagnosis, and fetal disorders and therapy
- Basic science, physiology of labor, preterm labor updated with contemporaneous publications in the literature
- More obstetrical sonography figures
- Eye-catching illustrations, including updated graphs, sonograms, MRIs, photographs, and photomicrographs
A Doody’s Core Title for 2022!
- Prepared by Kenneth J. Leveno and Gillette, Professors of gynecology, Texas Southwestern Medical Centre at Dallas.
- With its detailed explanations of disease pathophysiology and treatment fundamentals, it provides a bedrock text for residents who are training in obstetrics or family medicine specialties.
- Fellows in maternal-fetal medicine will benefit from its additional discussions of complicated pathology and management
- Williams Obstetrics can aid specialists who act as consultants for gravidas with non-pregnancy-related disorders
- Specifically, each chapter in section 12 focuses on a specific organ system, the normal physiological changes and frequent disorders of that system in pregnancy, and suitable treatment options
- The new edition continues to present the detailed stables of basic obstetrics such as maternal anatomy and physiology, preconception and prenatal care, labor, delivery, and the puerperium. These accompany detailed discussions of obstetrical complications exemplified by preterm labor, hemorrhage, hypertension, and many more.
- These talks are deepened by the expert clinical pearls, which are prepared for busy practitioners—those “in the trenches.” The reader of one chapter might be directed to a different chapter that contains complementary content to combine all of our content. This provides a wider perspective on a certain subject.
- Almost 900 figures, including graphs, sonograms, magnetic resonance pictures, photographs, photomicrographs, and data graphs, are all brand-new and come in brilliant color. Our medical artists produced a large portion of the original artwork.
Contents of Williams Obstetrics PDF
The Williams obstetrics book contents deploy according to the infrastructure needed for the best exam preparation referenced books. Hence, the book is divided into 12 sections followed by 65 chapters with an appendix.
Section 1- Overview
This section of the book Williams obstetrics pdf book contains only one chapter about the introduction to obstetrics and its history.
It contains details about the National Vital Statistics System- the process of collecting accumulated data related to the birth of a child, fetal death, migration, marriages, and divorces.
Section 2- Maternal anatomy and physiology
Section 2 of Williams obstetrics pdf contains 3 chapters about maternal anatomy, physiology, and congenital genitourinary. The maternal anatomy and physiology are explained with all the facts and figures and un- pinned words while congenital genitourinary disorders are explained with the help of illustrated pictures. Besides, it contains defined genitourinary tract development and disease associated with it.
Section 3- Placentation, embryogenesis, and fetal development
The section contains 3 chapters including implantation, and placental development, abnormalities, following with embryogenesis and fetal development. It contains more details as compared to the last section about placenta development to embryo development and its abnormalities that occur during embryogenesis. The chapters are providing deeper insight into the fetal development
Section 4- Preconception and prenatal care
The William obstetrics book- 25th edition pdf this section contains two chapters preconception care and prenatal care,
Preconception care
A set of interventions for identifying and modifying biomedical, behavioral, and social risks to a woman’s health or pregnancy outcome through prevention and management.
Prenatal care
The health care you get during the period of pregnancy provides you with prevention from diseases. It provides care in the form of proper medical checkups followed by a proper diet and physical exercises assigned by the doctor to deal with complications in pregnancy.
Section 5- The fetal patient
This section contains 8 chapters that are, fetal imaging, amniotic fluid, tetralogy, teratogens, and fetotoxic agents, genetics, prenatal diagnosis, fetal disorder, therapy, and assessment.
Moreover, the chapters contain details about technologies used to accurately assess gestational age, fetal number, viability, and placental location without providing harm to the mother and premature child. Fluid discovery is found within the first 12 days to protect the embryo and plays an important role in fetal development.
The study of etiology and defects of the birth termed teratology on other hand teratogen are defined as any agent that produces a permanent alteration of form or function during embryonic or fetal development and the agents that cause degenerating effects on developing embryo are called fetotoxic agents.
Section 6- Early pregnancy complications
This section contains the three chapters in the William williams obstetrics 26th edition pdf dealing with the complication of early pregnancy. The chapters revolve around the surgical and medical choices to understand the different techniques to deal with the complications of early pregnancy. For example, abortion ( the induced termination of the pregnancy before fetal viability).
Section 7- Labor
The section revolves around 6 chapters namely, physiology of labor, normal and abnormal labor, intrapartum assessment, obstetrical analgesia, anesthesia, induction, and augmentation of labor.
Labor is the process by which the fetus and placenta left the uterus or it is the delivery process of a child. The chapters are based on the physiology of labor to better understand the term. Moreover, Uses of the fetal electronic monitoring device including details related to the obstetric analgesia produced by anesthesia.
Section 8- Delivery
The section evolving delivery within the various delivery options needed according to the patient’s condition. For instance, vaginal delivery, breech delivery, operative vaginal delivery, cesarean delivery within peripartum hysterectomy, and prior cesarean delivery.
Section 9- The newborn
The section expands into 5 chapters including, the newborn, diseases, injuries related to it, the preterm newborn, and stillbirth.
In short, the chapters contain the steps to be followed right after the delivery with proper treatments to the diseases of the preterm delivery of the newborn like respiratory distress syndrome.
Section 10- The puerperium
The section includes the puerperium, puerperal complications, contraception, and sterilization.
The puerperium defines the time following in which pregnancy-induced changes return to the nonpregnant state. Moreover, the complications related to the process with the sterilization and contraceptive methods.
Section 11- Obstetrical complications
The section contains 6 chapters including hypertensive disorders, obstetrical hemorrhage, preterm birth, post-term pregnancy, fetal growth disorders, multifetal pregnancy.
The chapter is the backbone of the William obstetrics book- 26th edition pdf considering the complications and its resolving techniques.
Section 12- Medical and surgical complications
Medical and surgical complications may give rise to diseases in the future. Fortunately, this section contains
Appendix of Williams Obstetrics PDF
It covers supplementary information other than the main content. In the appendix, three parts are included,
- Appendix I: Serum and Blood Constituents
- Appendix II: Maternal Echocardiographic Measurements
- Appendix III: Fetal Sonographic Measurements
Book Name: | Williams Obstetrics |
Author: | Williams |
Edition: | 26th |
File Size: | 210.9 MB |
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