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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Pharmacology for Nurses, A Pathophysiological Approach 4th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
When students are asked which subject in their nursing program is the most challenging, pharmacology always appears near the top of the list. The study of pharmacology demands that students apply knowledge from a wide variety of the natural and applied sciences. Successfully predicting drug action requires a thorough knowledge of anatomy, physiology, chemistry, and pathology as well as the social sciences of psychology and sociology. Lack of adequate pharmacology knowledge can result in immediate and direct harm to the patient; thus, the stakes in learning the subject are high.

Pharmacology cannot be made easy, but it can be made understandable if the proper connections are made to knowledge learned in these other disciplines. The vast majority of drugs in clinical practice are prescribed for specific diseases, yet many pharmacology textbooks fail to recognize the complex interrelationships between pharmacology and pathophysiology. When drugs are learned in isolation from their associated diseases or conditions, students have difficulty connecting pharmacotherapy to therapeutic goals and patient wellness. The pathophysiology focus of this textbook gives the student a clearer picture of the importance of pharmacology to disease and, ultimately, to patient care. The approach and rationale of this textbook focus on a holistic perspective to patient care, which clearly shows the benefits and limitations of pharmacotherapy in curing or preventing illness. Although difficult and challenging, the study of pharmacology is truly a fascinating, lifelong journey.
The fourth edition of Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach has been thoroughly updated to reflect current pharmacologic drugs and processes.
NEW! Evidence-Based Practice features apply medical research to pharmacology. tNEW! Black Box Warnings issued by the FDA now appear for all appropriate drug prototypes.
NEW! Incorporation of the QSEN competencies: The QSEN competencies related to patient-centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence-based practice, and patient safety are incorporated throughout the features and Nursing Process Focus charts. tEXPANDED! Includes more than 40 new drugs, drug classes, indications, and therapies that have been approved since the last edition.
EXPANDED! Pharmacotherapy Illustrated diagrams to help students visualize the connection between pharmacology and the patient.
UPDATED! Nursing Process Focus charts have been revised to contain current applications to clinical practice.
ENHANCED AND REVISED! End-of-chapter NCLEX-RN® questions now include alternative format items and complete rationales.
REVISED! Many Mechanism in Action animations have been enhanced to identify the key drug mechanisms.
Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiologic Approach is organized according to body systems (units) and diseases (chapters). Each chapter provides the complete information on the drug classifications used to treat the disease(s) classes. Specially designed numbered headings describe key concepts and cue students to each drug classification discussion
The pathophysiology approach clearly places the drugs in context with how they are used therapeutically. The student is able to locate easily all relevant anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology in the same chapter in which the drugs are discussed. This approach provides the student with a clear view of the connection among pharmacology, pathophysiology, and the nursing care learned in other clinical courses
The vast number of drugs available in clinical practice is staggering. To facilitate learning, this text uses drug prototypes in which the most representative drugs in each classification are introduced in detail. Students are less intimidated when they can focus their learning on one representative drug in each class.
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