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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Pharmacogenomics in Drug Discovery and Development PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Pharmacogenomics is considered the future of drug therapy. It is a rapidly growing area in the recognition of the necessity of personalized medicine, a medicine that deals with the complexity of the human body. Free Books PDF: Pharmacogenomics in Drug Discovery and Development PDF
Because of the diversity of patients’ biological backgrounds, the same disease may be caused by genetic variations in different people, who will respond differently to the same drug. Such situations require individualized treatment that avoids adverse drug responses and ensures the best possible results. The development of pharmacogenomics represents the evolution of biomedicine from treating the disease itself to treating the malfunction of an individual person, the “root” of diseases. With the change of focus from disease-centered to human-centric medicine, pharmacogenomics brings hope for the transformation from simple disease treatment to accurate prediction and effective prevention. Free Books PDF: Pharmacogenomics in Drug Discovery and Development

For the drug discovery and development industry, pharmacogenomics is useful in identifying drug targets to obtain the optimal drug effi cacy for specifi c patient groups. However, many challenges need to be resolved before pharmacogenomics can be applied in the clinic. Most importantly, the mechanisms inside the human bodies that control therapeutic responses are complex and multifactorial. It is necessary to elucidate the complexity in various spatial and temporal levels, such as the interactions among genes, drugs, as well as natural and psychosocial environments at various physiological and pathological stages. Free Books PDF: Pharmacogenomics in Drug Discovery and Development
Accurate biomarkers and effective drug targets can be found only based on such understanding at system levels. In this book – Free Books PDF: Pharmacogenomics in Drug Discovery and Development , we approach these challenges from several angles. In the fi rst part of Free Books PDF: Pharmacogenomics in Drug Discovery and Development , we introduce some novel concepts and important cutting-edge technologies that are useful for the development of system-based pharmacogenomics to solve the complexity ( see Part I). A framework of systems and dynamical medicine is proposed on the basis of the understanding of the properties of complex adaptive systems (CASs) ( see Chapter 1 ).
Various “omics” technologies such as approaches in bioinformatics and transcriptomics are described to support the system analyses ( see Chapters 2and 3 ). These methods are useful for understanding the complex and dynamical interconnections and interactions among genes, drugs, diseases, and the environment. Network and dynamical models can be established for the identifi cation of robust biomarkers to evaluate disease states, disease progression, and therapeutic responses ( see Chapter 1 ). Free Books PDF: Pharmacogenomics in Drug Discovery and Development
For example, bioinformatics is essential in fi nding the spatiotemporal patterns in pharmacogenomics, including the time-series analyses for the elucidation of structure–function associations at various disease stages. Specifi c experimental methods are also introduced, such as the mutational analysis procedures on paraffi n-embedded tumors for the prediction of individual responses to anticancer therapy ( see Chapter 4 ). Free Books PDF: Pharmacogenomics in Drug Discovery and Development
The combination of bioinformatics and experimental approaches is helpful for studying drug adverse effects such as those caused by statin, including genotyping, phenotyping, and statistical analysis strategies ( see Chapter 5 ). Another feature of this volume is the emphasis on the examinations of gene–drug interactions, that is, how drugs act and how they are processed in the human body, including drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion. Biomarkers and molecules.
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