In this blog post, we are going to share a free PDF download of Pearls in Clinical Pediatrics PDF using direct links. In order to ensure that user-safety is not compromised and you enjoy faster downloads, we have used trusted 3rd-party repository links that are not hosted on our website.
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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Pearls in Clinical Pediatrics PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
The objective of this book is to present the subject matter of pediatrics from the clinical point of view in as concise form as possible to help in the diagnosis and treatment of ailments in children.
By means of the clinical approach, we are able to analyze the problems in pediatrics that baffle clinicians. History-taking and examination form its essence, of course, supported by investigations. Special care has been taken regarding nutritional aspect, immunization and development of a child to enable clinicians deal with the patient as a whole and not merely treat the acute disease state. The expert knowledge about use of the basic instruments, bedside tests and X-rays, frequently not given their due importance, are useful for practical purposes. Care has been taken to include what is likely to be of value especially in practical examinations, for example, for considerable proportion of students, even the use of sphygmograph is not stressed. It is intended, however, not to confine the scope of the book to a description of the usefulness of bedside tests and examination alone but special emphasis has been given to procedures as well, the knowledge of which comes handy in diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of disorders.

Also, by including information and discussions on common problem cases, which may clear diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma. I hope the medical practitioners would take the fullest possible advantage of this book. Upon reading this text, I realized that it is a simple presentation of sophisticated ideas. Physicians often do not understand the value that lies in providing a palatable approach for systematic diagnosis and management. Based on my experience with students, I already had no reason to question the need for such a “concept book”. We scarcely acknowledge the role of such most skillfully written books. I wish this book will have wide acceptance on recognizing the need to break away from total dependency on symptomoriented medical care. Dr Pushpendra Magon is a tireless crusader with natural love towards patient care and is an energetic cheerleader for many clinicians providing invaluable direction, whenever needed by his colleagues and students.
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