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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pathology PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
This first edition of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pathology was written with the aim of producing a pocket-sized book which concisely conveys the key pathology relevant to clinical practice.
The handbook – Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pathology PDF covers both general and systems-based pathology with each topic occupying either a single- or double-page spread. A uniform sequence of headings is followed for each topic to allow easy access to the facts. Although aimed primarily at medical students, this handbook – Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pathology PDF should also be useful for postgraduate doctors working in specialties with close links to pathology. I hope you find this handbook – Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pathology PDF helpful and easy to learn from. Feedback on errors and omissions would be much appreciated. Please post your comments via the OUP website ( James Carton Although written by a single author, this book – Oxford Handbook of Clinical Pathology PDF would not have been possible without the help and support of many other people. First and foremost, I thank Richard Daly, co-author on my previous publication, for his incredible professionalism and grace during diffi cult times. Secondly, I thank all my consultant colleagues at St Mary’s Hospital for creating an environment in which projects like this are encouraged and supported. Finally, thank you to all the wonderful staff at OUP: Elizabeth Reeve, Anna Winstanley, Michael Hawkes, and Eloise Moir–Ford.

Pathological terminology Nomenclature of disease • Aetiology refers to a disease’s underlying cause. Diseases whose aetiology is unknown are described as idiopathic, cryptogenic , or essential . • Pathogenesis refers to the mechanism by which the aetiological agent produces the manifestations of a disease. • Incidence refers to the number of new cases of a disease diagnosed over a certain period of time. • Prevalence refers to the total number of cases of a disease present in a population at a certain moment in time. • Prognosis is a prediction of the likely course of a disease. • Morbidity describes the extent to which a patient’s overall health will be affected by a disease. • Mortality refl ects the likelihood of death from a particular disease. • Acute and chronic refer to the time course of a pathological event. Acute illnesses are of rapid onset. Chronic conditions usually have a gradual onset and are more likely to have a prolonged course. • A syndrome refers to a set of symptoms and clinical signs that, when occurring together, suggest a particular underlying cause(s).
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