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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Microbiology Principles and Explorations 8th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Microbiology Principles and Explorations – The development of microbiology—from Leeuwenhoek’s astonished observations of ‘‘animalcules,’’ to Pasteur’s first use of rabies vaccine on a human, to Fleming’s dis-
covery of penicillin, to today’s race to develop an AIDSvaccine is one of the most dramatic stories in the history
of science. To understand the roles microbes play in our lives, including the interplay between microorganisms
and humans, we must examine, learn about, and study their world—the world of microbiology.
Microorganisms are everywhere. They exist in a range of environments from mountains and volcanoes to deep-
seas vents and hot springs. Microorganisms can be found in the air we breathe, in the food we eat, and even within our own body. In fact, we come in contact with countless numbers of microorganisms every day. Although some microbes can cause disease, most are not disease producers; rather they play a critical role in the processes that. Microbiology Principles and Explorations

provide energy and make life possible. Some even prevent disease, and others are used in attempts to cure dis-
ease. Because microorganisms play diverse roles in the world, microbiology continues to be an exciting and critical discipline of study. And because microbes affect our everyday lives, microbiology provides many challenges and offers many rewards. Look at your local newspaper, and you will find items concerning microbiology: to mention a few, reports on diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, and cancer; the resurgence of malaria and dengue fever, or ‘‘new’’ diseases. Microbiology Principles and Explorations
For example the current public health problem with people dying of Listeria infections gotten from cantaloupes, can be prevented. Chapter 1 describes an anti-Listeria bacteriophage product licensed by the U.S. government, which kills all Listeria on the surface of cut melons, if only we would use it. In Chapter 26, we discuss a technique developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to pasteurize cantaloupes. It kills 99.999% of all Salmonella found on the rind. Listeria is more resistant to pasteurization, but, as with milk, perhaps some tweaking of the procedure would kill Listeria. Microbiology Principles and Explorations
One of the most exciting and controversial new developments occurred 2 years ago, when J. Craig Venter (of Human Genome fame) made a synthetic bacterium (Synthia laboratorium). Was he usurping the role of God?
Did we have to fear a whole new horde of man-made bacteria which would ruin the environment, create new
diseases, or set off huge epidemics? Or, would they be the answer to problems such as providing biofuels that would take care of energy needs? Read about Dr. Venter’s work in Chapter 10. Incidentally, he already created the first synthetic virus a few years ago, from parts that he ordered from biological supply houses.
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