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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of this book with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
This is one of the best book for quick review. It is very good book to study a day before your exam. It can also cover your viva questions and will help you to score very high.
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Features of MCAT 528 Advanced Prep 2019-2020: Online + Book PDF
Following are the features of MCAT 528 Advanced Prep 2019-2020: Online + Book PDF:
Always study with the most up-to-date prep! Look for MCAT 528 Advanced Prep 2021–2022, ISBN 9781506264059, on sale November 03, 2020.Publisher’s Note: Products purchased from third-party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitles included with the product.
User’s Review:
Editorial Reviews: About the Author For 80 years, Kaplan Test Prep ( has been helping students grow their knowledge, skills and confidence so they can be their best on Test Day. Our prep books and online resources provide the expert guidance that students need at every step of their educational journey – incorporating years of test-specific data and strategies tested by Kaplan students and our own expert psychometricians.After helping millions of students, we know what works. Our guides deliver knowledge with clarity and simplicity while focusing on the specialized strategies that keep test-takers ahead of the clock and at the top of their game.We offer preparation for more than 90 standardized tests – including entrance exams for secondary school, college, and graduate school, as well as professional licensing exams for attorneys, physicians, and nurses.With a full array of self-paced and live online courses, as well as print books and mobile apps, you can use Kaplan to study on your own schedule and at your own speed. Kaplan’s private tutors and admissions consultants supplement those offerings with one-on-one support.
Reviews from Amazon users which were colected at the time this book was published on the website:
I’ll be back
What I liked about this book is that it goes over concepts that are harder for everyone to master, but doesn’t go into the depth that the regular review books do. I read through the review books and they are very in depth and unnecessary in some parts. There are just certain things I want to brush up on from time to time, like the effects of the different types of enzyme inhibitors on Km and Vmax. So it’s great for that, and the practice passages are pretty nice too since they are a bit harder than ones I’ve seen. This definitely shouldn’t be your only source of review though.
First thing I would like to point out is that this book is an improvement of the previous edition. I have had both and the material presented in this (2019-2020) iteration does not “rip-off” the 2018-2019 edition. Instead, it presents the same important information in a revamped format, which is great for students practicing.This book is great as a crash course to understand the majority of the material seen on the MCAT. The strategies are helpful, and for students preparing in advance, I recommend starting with this prep book. It will help you outline your strengths, weaknesses, and study plan for the future.My one stipulation is that although this book is labeled as “Advanced Prep” it does not replace a full study set. The subject review books give a much more in-depth analysis of different portions of the test. This is merely a crash course to absorb as much knowledge as possible in a very short amount of pages.Finally, I would recommend this book to friends, or any student preparing for their MCAT exam. It does a great job in preparing you for the test, and it will help outline your timeline.
I thought a condensed review of key concepts would be helpful for me to study on a short timeline. With that expectation, I was very disappointed by this book. The information in this book that should be memorized is not organized in a way that supports that task. Where the material is conceptual and requires the reader to understand principals, the book generally only offers a terse, superficial statement that does not offer insight to a reader not previously understanding the concept (e.g., “concave mirrors are converging systems and can produce real, inverted images, or virtual, upright images, depending on the placement of the object relative to the focal point.” This statement may have been intelligible if accompanied by a diagram, or with additional explanation, or if the reader already understood the concept, but it is opaque to me; much of the book is like this).I mostly abandoned this book after finding Khan Academy videos to be more useful in reviewing topics that I needed to study further, based on my initial incorrect answers on an official practice test.
Awesome overview of all of the material. The Kaplan 7 book set was so hard to get through and was too in-depth. This book summarized all 7 very well but obviously shouldn’t be used as the only only content review. I also found the practice questions and explanations to be helpful.
Excellent MCAT prep. My daughter is studying with a friend to get into medical school. She thinks these books are a great first step. She plans on finishing up get studies with uworld and will take many practice tests
Son used this book for college classes was effective and affordable
No colors , not working for me.
good if you don’t know how to read/problem solve and need to learn. otherwise passage questions are way harder. nextstep is a closer approx in difficulty level. didn’t really use this at all tbh used the seven subject books more.
arrived on time and as promised
Not good or bad. Waste of money.
Perfect ! And fast shipping
great review content to help you to master concepts.
Download MCAT 528 Advanced Prep 2019-2020: Online + Book PDF Free:
Now you can download MCAT 528 Advanced Prep 2019-2020: Online + Book PDF from below link:
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