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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Langman’s Medical Embryology 14th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Langman’s Medical Embryology 14th Edition PDF – Every student will be affected by pregnancy, either their mother’s, because what happens in the womb does not necessarily stay in the womb, or by someone else’s.
Preface: Langman’s Medical Embryology 14th Edition PDF
As health care professionals, you will often encounter women of childbearing age who may be pregnant, or you may have children of your own, or maybe it is a friend who is pregnant. In any case, pregnancy and childbirth are relevant to all of us, and unfortunately, these processes often culminate in negative outcomes. For example, 50% of all embryos are spontaneously aborted. Furthermore, prematurity and birth defects are the leading causes of infant mortality and major contributors to disabilities. Fortunately, new strategies can improve pregnancy outcomes, and health care professionals have a major role to play in implementing these initiatives.

However, a basic knowledge of embryology is essential to the success of these strategies, and with this knowledge, every health care professional can play a role in providing healthier babies. To accomplish its goal of providing a basic understanding of embryology and its clinical relevance, Langman’s Medical Embryology retains its unique approach of combining an economy of text with excellent diagrams and clinical images. It stresses the clinical importance of the subject by providing numerous clinical examples that result from abnormal embryological events. The following pedagogic features and updates in the 14th edition help facilitate student learning.
Organization of Material: Langman’s Medical Embryology is organized into two parts. llqe first provides an overview of early development from gametogenesis through the embryonic period. Also included in this section are chapters on placental and fetal development as well as prenatal diagnosis and birth defects. llqe second part of the text provides a description of the fundamental processes of embryogenesis for each organ system.
Introduction: Langman’s Medical Embryology 14th Edition PDF
From a single cell to a baby in 9 months—a developmental process that represents an amazing integration of increasingly complex phenomena. The study of these phenomena is called embryology, and the field includes investigations of the molecular, cellular, and structural factors contributing to the formation of an organism. These studies are important because they provide knowledge essential for creating health care strategies for better reproductive outcomes.
Thus, our increasingly greater understanding of embryology has resulted in new techniques for prenatal diagnoses and treatments; therapeutic procedures to circumvent problems with infertility; and mechanisms to prevent birth defects, the leading cause of infant mortality. These improvements in prenatal and reproductive health care are significant not only for their contributions to improved birth outcomes but also for their long-term effects postnatally. For example, both our cognitive capacity and our behavioral characteristics are affected by our prenatal experiences, and factors such as maternal smoking, nutrition, stress, diabetes, etc., play a role in our postnatal health.
Furthermore, prenatal experiences, in combination with molecular and cellular factors, determine our potential to develop certain adult diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Thus, our prenatal development produces many ramifications affecting our health for both the short and long term, making the study of embryology and fetal development an important topic for all health care professionals. Also, with the exception of a few specialties, most physicians and health care workers will have an opportunity to interact with women of childbearing age, creating the potential for these providers to have a major impact on the outcome of developmental processes and their sequelae.
The process of progressing from a single cell through the period of establishing organ primordia (the first 8 weeks of human development) is called the period of embryogenesis (sometimes called the period of organogenesis); the period from that point on until birth is called the fetal period, a time when differentiation continues while the fetus grows and gains weight. Scientific approaches to study embryology have progressed over hundreds of years. Not surprisingly, anatomical approaches dominated early investigations. Observations were made, and these became more sophisticated with advances in optical equipment and dissection techniques. Comparative and evolutionary studies were part of this equation as scientists made comparisons among species and so began to understand the
Medical Info : Langman’s Medical Embryology 14th Edition PDF
- Year:2018
- Edition:14th Edition
- Publisher:LWW
- Language :english
- Pages:429
- ISBN 13:978-1496383907
- File:PDF, 160.11 MB
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Table of content: Langman’s Medical Embryology 14th Edition PDF
Part 1: General Embryology
Chapter 1: Introduction to Molecular Regulation and Signaling
Chapter 2: Gametogenesis: Conversion of Germ Cells into Male and Female Gametes
Chapter 3: First Week of Development: Ovulation to Implantation
Chapter 4: Second Week of Development: Bilaminar Germ Disc
Chapter 5: Third Week of Development: Trilaminar Germ Disc
Chapter 6: Third to Eighth Weeks: The Embryonic Period
Chapter 7: The Gut Tube and the Body Cavities
Chapter 8: Third Month to Birth: The Fetus and Placenta
Chapter 9: Birth Defects and Prenatal Diagnosis
Part 2: Systems-Based Embryology
Chapter 10: The Axial Skeleton
Chapter 11: Muscular System
Chapter 12: Limbs
Chapter 13: Cardiovascular System
Chapter 14: Respiratory System
Chapter 15: Digestive System
Chapter 16: Urogenital System
Chapter 17: Head and Neck
Chapter 18: Central Nervous System
Chapter 19: Ear
Chapter 20: Eye
Chapter 21: Integumentary System
Part 3: Appendix
Answers to Problems
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