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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Harsh Mohan Textbook of Pathology 7th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
As I sit down to put my thoughts into words for the 7th revised edition of my Textbook of Pathology, I look back with satisfaction how this book – Harsh Mohan Textbook of Pathology 7th Edition PDF has grown phenomenally since its modest beginning in 1992.
During these years, successive editions of the textbook have brought me closer to enumerable well-wishers, won me life-long friends, rewarded me with respect and faith of my colleagues, got me blessings of senior professionals, and earned me affection of innumerable students and fans. It has been really highly gratifying journey so far. At the same time, such an abiding trust by users of previous editions of my textbook certainly puts an onerous responsibility on me to come up to their expectations and make it better with every new edition. It is this motivation and zeal which I pursued while preparing the thoroughly transformed and updated 7th revised edition which I am pleased to present to users. Diagnostic pathology has been growing exponentially with advances in molecular methods, cytogenetics and immunology, besides the ready availability of immunohistochemistry.

In fact, in the current era, immunophenotyping and cytogenetics have been recommended as defining criteria for classification, diagnosis and prognostication of growing number of cancers. In such a scenario, it is quite natural that undergraduate students of pathology should be made aware of what is happening in the realm of diagnostic science while at the same time not forgetting to lose hold of the fundamental aspects of pathology of diseases. Thus, for beginners in pathology, for whom this textbook – Harsh Mohan Textbook of Pathology 7th Edition PDF is primarily meant, a balanced approach for learning of pathology is recommended i.e. the students must learn basic morphologic pathology including recent knowledge of etiology and pathogenesis of diseases, and simultaneously they should know the contribution of modern diagnostic techniques mentioned above towards achieving the goal of an objective ‘final diagnosis’ that is prognostically relevant as well. This philosophy for teaching and learning of pathology has been followed in the present edition but without disturbing the basic format of the book – Harsh Mohan Textbook of Pathology 7th Edition PDF . Some of the Key Features of the Seventh Edition are as follows: Revised and Updated Text Most of the topics in chapters have undergone revision and updating of various aspects of diseases including their newer causes and recent mechanisms by insertion of latest information between the lines. Emphasis has also been placed on contemporary diagnostic modalities in a simple and lucid manner. In doing so, the basic accepted style of the book—simple, easy-to-understand and reproduce the subject matter, and emphasis on clarity and accuracy, has not been disturbed. Considering their utility, a dozen new tables have been added in different chapters in the revised edition while many others have been updated.
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