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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Handbook Of Local Anesthesia 7th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
The seventh edition of Handbook of Local Anesthesia! As happened with previous editions, it is truly difficult to comprehend how many years have passed since the first edition was published in 1978. It has been 5 years since the sixth edition, and in this time a significant number of changes, many of them advances, in the art and science of pain control in dentistry have occurred.
Although the drugs remain the same—articaine hydro- chloride, bupivacaine hydrochloride, lidocaine hydrochloride, mepivacaine hydrochloride, and prilocaine hydrochloride—the years since the sixth edition have seen the introduc- tion and refinement of drugs and devices that work to helpthe dental profession come ever closer to the twin goals of truly pain-free dentistry and truly pain-free local anesthetic injections.

As I have stated repeatedly in previous editions, “Local anesthetics are the safest and the most effective drugs avail- able in all of medicine for the prevention and the manage- ment of pain.” To this statement I must add the proviso“when used properly.” “Indeed, there are no other drugsthat truly prevent pain; no other drugs that actually pre- vent a propagated nociceptive nerve impulse from reaching the patient’s brain, where it would be interpreted as pain.
Deposit a local anesthetic drug in close proximity to a sen- sory nerve and clinically adequate pain control will result in essentially all clinical situations.” Find the nerve with a local anesthetic drug and pain control is virtually assured. Yet in certain clinical situations
“finding the nerve” remains a recurring problem. This is especially so in the mandible, primarily permanent mandib- ular molars. Over my 45 years as a teacher of anesthesia in dentistry, I and my dentist anesthesiologist colleagues have worked at “fixing” this problem.
Have we succeeded? Not yet. Are we getting close? Yes.
This seventh edition of Handbook of Local Anesthe- sia includes significant updates to many chapters and the addition of two new chapters: Chapter 19 (Problems in Achieving Pain Control) and Chapter 20 (Recent Advances in Local Anesthesia). Chapter 19 was added as a consequence of my many con- tinuing dental education programs on local anesthesia. One of the most frequently asked questions has to do with the inability to consistently achieve effective pulpal anesthesia when one is treating teeth that are acutely pulpally involved.
Chapter 19 expands on the discussion begun in Chapter 16 (Anesthetic Considerations in Dental Specialties). In Chapter 20 I have taken the prerogative of including a discussion of five relatively new additions to the pain con- trol armamentarium in dentistry. As an educator, author,and lecturer in the area of local anesthesia since 1973, I have been approached by “inventors,” researchers, and drug and equipment manufacturers, all of whom have developed—in their words—“revolutionary technologies that will forever change the management of pain control in dentistry.” Previ- ous editions of this textbook included discussions of many such “innovations.” Many, if not most, failed to meet their developer’s expectations and have disappeared or remain, at best, fringe techniques or devices. I have selected five inno-
vations that I absolutely believe can be, have been, or should be included in the pain control armamentarium of most practicing dentists.
Feedback from readers of this textbook is always appreci- ated. Should errors be noted, or suggestions for improve- ment be made, contact me at [email protected].
One final, but extremely important and exciting word:
On the 11th of March 2019 the American Dental Asso- ciation officially recognized anesthesiology as a specialty of dentistry in the United States. This culminated the almost 40 year struggle by Dentist Anesthesiologists to gain recog- nition from our parent organization – the ADA. Congratu- lations to all dentist anesthesiologists.
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