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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Ghai Essential Pediatrics 9th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
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As we present the ninth edition of Essential Pediatrics, we are humbled by the role this textbook has played .t”\.. in imparting knowledge in child health to generations of doctors. Four decades ago, late Prof. OP Ghai foresaw the need for a textbook of pediatrics for medical students of the country and South Asia.
Thereafter,. each new edition has attempted to present updated knowledge to an expanding group of undergraduate and postgraduate students. For India, the next three decades offer a never-before window of opportunity to accelerate its economic growth and emerge as a nation that would banish poverty forever, and attain heights of prosperity and well-beiI\.s:. We are transitioning through a demographic phase characterized by an exceptionally high young population constituting a workforce that is available for economic activity and nation-building. This demographic dividend can be realized only if children and adolescents are healthy, strong and intelligent. Pediatrics, the science and art of child healthcare, has thus acquired a new meaning and relevance in the context of new India. With Ayushman Bharat, the nation has committed itself to a comprehensive primary health S)”‘$tem and to ensure financial protection for the vulnerable families in accessing care for children and adults alike. Preventin~ and promotive health and nutrition will gain further ground, and the agenda of health loss due to pneumonia .. diarrhea, other infections, complications of preterm birth and vaccine preYentable diseases would receive even more attention. Adolescent health and development will be increasingly important in the coming yea~. We are already witnessing an upsurge in demand for healthcare for chronic systemic diseases, developmental d.iso.nie~ .. disabilities and childhood origins of adult diseases. The realization that children have the right to secondary and tertiary health care has stimulated the development of pediatric superspecialty programs.

The present edition of Essential Pediatrics continues to respond to these developments. The book maintains its focus on undergraduate medical students. While we ensure that the ‘must know’ contents are thoroughly covered.. we provide a glimpse of the ‘should know’ curriculum. We have ensured that the size of the book enables it to be readable and handy enough for the classroom and the bedside-as Prof. Ghai always reminded u~ Gh’en the emphasis on updated management of common childhood illnesses, primary care physicians and pediatricians would find the book useful. As before, there are strong sections on core areas that continue to serve the nt'(‘\.is o.f postgraduate students. A number of changes have been incorporated in this edition. We welcome new authors for chapters on disorders of development, central nervous system, micronutrients, otorhinolaryngology, poisoning and accidents, and integrated management of childhood illnesses. Most other chapters, especially on growth, nutritiOJ\, imnmnizatiOl\. malignancies, genetics, inborn errors of metabolism and infections, have been revised. The CBSiCentrnl App featuring illustrations, clinical photographs, tables and algorithms shall serve as a useful educ,1tional resource. The editors are grateful to all the contributing authors for their scholarly inputs and ensuring that the chapters continue to provide succinct and updated information, meeting the learning needs of students. We thank our undergraduate and postgraduate students for their suggestions on content. Dr Priyanka Khandelwal has helped during multiple stages of preparation, ensuring consistent style across chapte~. Dr Aditl Sinha, Dr Biswaroop Chakrabarty and Dr Jitendra Meena read through several sections and made useful suggestions. We thank our colleagues at CBSP&D, Mr YN Arjuna and Ms Ritu Chawla, for ensuring the quality of pul”‘llication of previous and the present editions. We gratefully acknowledge our colleagues at the AIIMS and other centers for contributing illustrations and the support of our secretaries, Mr Anil Bhutani and Mr Akhilesh Sharma. We whole-heartedly thank our readers for the trust, support and suggestions.
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