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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology 4th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology 4th Edition PDF – Packed with vivid illustrations and a wealth of hands-on applications, best-selling FUNDAMENTALS OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY, 4E is written specifically for learners in a one-semester introductory A&P course in the allied health field who have little or no previous knowledge of anatomy and physiology.

Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, Fourth Edition, was written and designed for learners pursuing careers in the allied health fields. It is written in clear, concise, and easily understandable scientific language and presupposes no previous biology exposure.
This text will guide you along a journey of understanding how the human body operates on a daily basis from birth to death. The writing style and presentation will assist introductory learners with limited backgrounds in the sciences to comprehend the basic concepts of human anatomy and physiology, and the fascinating working mechanisms of our bodies. Several features are incorporated into each chapter to help you master the content.
Review the “How to Use Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology 4th Edition PDF ” section on page xxiii for a detailed description and benefit of each feature. Organization of the Text Introductory Chapters The text begins with an introduction to the human body, explaining anatomic terms and the organization of the body from the cellular to the tissue level, how tissues form organs and how organs comprise the various systems of the body.
The chemical basis of life is covered in Chapter 2, explaining how elements bond to form molecules like carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and nucleic acids, which are the building blocks of cellular structures. After a discussion of the structure and functions of cells in Chapter 3, Chapter 4 explains how cells convert the foods we eat, via metabolism, into a new form of cellular chemical energy, ATP.
This chapter also discusses how cells divide by mitosis, how we pass on our genetic characteristics by meiosis, and the structure of the DNA molecule. After this thorough yet understandable explanation of how cells operate, Chapter 5 describes the anatomy and function of body tissues.
About the Author
Donald C. Rizzo is professor emeritus at Marygrove College in Detroit, Michigan, where he taught Human Anatomy and Physiology and Medical Terminology. He also taught Biology II: The Unity and Diversity of Life, Principles of Biology, Parasitology, Zoology, and Botany. He conducted biological fieldwork around the globe. Dr. Rizzo began his teaching career at Marygrove College in 1974 and served as chairperson of the Science and Mathematics department from 1975–2006. His numerous awards include the 2010 Marygrove College Presidential Award for Service, the 2009 Marygrove College Presidential Award for Scholarship, 2006 Marygrove College Presidential Award for Teaching, 1992 Marygrove College Teacher Scholar Award and the 1990 Sears Roebuck Foundation Teaching Excellence and Campus Leadership Award. Dr. Rizzo has published in the JOURNAL OF INVERTEBRATE PATHOLOGY and coauthored a computerized test bank for medical terminology. Along with two colleagues, he has presented at national and international conferences on the interdisciplinary service learning course “HIV/AIDS: Its Biological and Social Impact.” In addition, he incorporates service learning into all the courses he teaches. Dr. Rizzo received his B.A. in biology and education in 1968 from Boston State College (now the University of Massachusetts at Boston), his M.S. in 1970 and his Ph.D. in 1973 from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.
Medical Books Info
- Categories: Physiology,Anatomy
- Year:2015
- Edition:4
- Publisher:Cengage Learning
- Language:english
- Pages:562
- ISBN 10:1285174151
- ISBN 13:9781285174150
- File: PDF, 66.11 MB
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