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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Emergencies in Paediatrics and Neonatology 2nd Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Since the fi rst edition of Emergencies in Paediatrics and Neonatology , there has been an explosion in ‘evidence-based guidelines’ and a need to ensure that our practice complies with the ‘best available evidence’.
This second edition has been thoroughly revised to include evidence wherever it is available. In addition, feedback from those using the fi rst edition has been used to make the second edition even more user-friendly. We hope we have maintained the pragmatic, hands-on approach whilst incorporating information from the NICE and Cochrane reviews, and using relevant guidelines endorsed by Children’s Hospitals. Most importantly, after the 2010 International Liaison Committee On Resuscitation 5-yearly review, the chapter on ‘Resuscitation’ has been fully updated. However, much of what we do in paediatrics has little or no evidence base. So then, we rely on best practice and common sense — the latter remains a fundamentally critical part of the management of children. On-going medical education supplements what we read in our text books, clinical guidelines and on-line.
We must continually:

• ask answerable questions;
• access the best information;
• appraise the information for validity and relevance;
• and apply the information to patient care. 1 As medicine changes — through new evidence, the impact of new vaccines, changes in society (e.g. obesity and its consequences), or the arrival of new treatments—we must keep up to date and be willing to question what we have been doing and whether there might be a better way. We hope this second edition of Emergencies in Paediatrics and Neonatology can play a small part in that important quest. As always, we would appreciate comments from readers on where further improvements can be made.
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