In this blog post, we are going to share a free PDF download of First Aid for the OB/GYN Clerkship 5th Edition PDF using direct links. In order to ensure that user-safety is not compromised and you enjoy faster downloads, we have used trusted 3rd-party repository links that are not hosted on our website.
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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of this book with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
This is one of the best Selling online book for quick review. It is very good book to study a day before your exam. It can also cover your paper as well as viva questions and will help you to score very high.
Excel on your rotation, impress on the wards, and score your highest on the shelf exams with this best-selling reference. This new edition of First Aid for the OB/GYN Clerkship has been updated with the latest clinical perspectives and research. Ask just about any student who has been through their OB/GYN rotation and they will tell you that THIS was the resource they turned to. It not only aligns with national clerkship curricula, but also follows the shelf exam blueprint and is full of helpful mnemonics, ward tips, exam tips, and integrated mini-cases.
The text highlights all of the important topics, presenting a clear, concise review based on the clerkship’s core competencies. Thoroughly revised, this new edition will help you prepare for the clerkship and also guide you in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of the many conditions you will see during your rotation.
Features of First Aid for the OB/GYN Clerkship 5th Edition PDF
Following are the features of First Aid for the OB/GYN Clerkship 5th Edition PDF:
- The latest clinical research and perspectives
- Helpful mnemonics
- Ward tips and integrated mini-cases
- Images, diagrams, and flow charts in a fresh new-full color design
- Summary boxes with high-yield information needed for exam success
Table of Contents
Below is the complete table of contents offered inside First Aid for the Obstetrics and Gynecology Clerkship 3rd Edition PDF:
- Reproductive Anatomy
- Diagnosis of Pregnancy
- Physiology of Pregnancy
- Antepartum
- Intrapartum
- Postpartum
- Medical Conditions in Pregnancy
- Obstetric Complications
- Infections in Pregnancy
- Twin Gestation
- Abortions and Fetal Death 171
- Ectopic Pregnancy
- Contraception and Sterilization
- Menstruation
- Premenstrual Syndrome/Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
- Infertility
- Amenorrhea
- Hyperandrogenism
- Hyperprolactinemia and Galactorrhea
- Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
- Pelvic Pain
- Endometriosis/Adenomyosis
- Differential Diagnoses of Pelvic Masses
- Cervical Dysplasia
- Cervical Cancer
- Endometrial Hyperplasia and Endometrial Cancer
- Ovarian Cancer and Fallopian Tube Cancer
- Vulvar Dysplasia, Vulvar Cancer, and Vaginal Cancer
- Vulvar Disorders
- Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
- Sexually Transmitted Infections/Vaginitis 323
- Breast Disease
- Women’s Health Maintenance
- Female Sexuality
- Ethics
- Menopause
- Pelvic Relaxation
- Urinary Incontinence
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Download First Aid for the OB/GYN Clerkship 5th Edition PDF Free:
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