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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Color Atlas of Medical Microbiology PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Color Atlas of Medical Microbiology – While medical and hygienic developments have driven down the mortality rates of infectious diseases, pathogenic microorganisms are still a major factor in everyday clinical practice. They are still the most frequent cause of death in Third World countries. New and incurable infectious diseases are a worldwide problem. It is inescapable, therefore, that modern medicine must redouble its efforts to understand the relationship between microorganisms and humans and continue to lead the search for new therapies. The following five subject areas are covered:
- Immunology
- Bacteriology
- Mycology
- Virology
- Parasitology

Color Atlas of Medical Microbiology provides a clearly focused and richly detailed review of the entire field of medical microbiology. It is both a textbook for students of medicine and dentistry and a useful companion for medical technicians and laboratory assistants, both at school and in the laboratory. It will also serve as a handy work of reference for clinical practitioners. The book is structured with teachability in mind: The many color illustrations and microscopic images render complex themes readily accessible. Summaries at the beginning of every chapter, a color-coded reference guide and detailed diagnostic tables make this an excellent sourcebook for rapid learning and quick reference. A list of important internet addresses in the appendix will help the book’s users keep abreast of cutting-edge research.
Medical Microbiology comprises and integrates the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology, mycology, and parasitology, each of which has seen considerable independent development in the past few decades. The common bond between them is the focus on the causes of infectious diseases and on the reactions of the host to the pathogens. Although the advent of antibiotics and vaccines has certainly taken the dread out of many infectious diseases, the threat of infection is still a fact of life: New pathogens are constantly being discovered; strains of „old“ ones have developed resistance to antibiotics, making therapy more and more difficult; incurable infectious diseases (AIDS, rabies) are still with us. The objective of Color Atlas of Medical Microbiology of medical microbiology is to instill a broadbased knowledge of the etiologic organisms causing disease and the pathogenetic mechanisms leading to clinically manifest infections into its users. This knowledge is a necessary prerequisite for the diagnosis, therapy, and prevention of infectious diseases.
Color Atlas of Medical Microbiology addresses primarily students of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy. Beyond this academic purpose, its usefulness extends to all medical professions and most particularly to physicians working in both clinical and private practice settings.
Color Atlas of Medical Microbiology makes the vast and complex field of medical microbiology more accessible by the use of four-color graphics and numerous illustrations with detailed explanatory legends. The many tables present knowledge in a cogent and useful form. Most chapters begin with a concise summary, and in-depth and supplementary knowledge are provided in boxes separating them from the main body of text.
Medical Books Info
- Year:2004
- Edition:1
- Publisher:Thieme
- Language:english
- Pages:724
- ISBN 10:3131319917ISBN 13:9783131319913
- Series:Flexibook
- File:PDF, 31.40 MB
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