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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp 11th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Find the latest evidence-based research and clinical treatments! Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp, 11th Edition covers the science, theory, and practice of endondontics with chapters written by internationally renowned experts. Full-color illustrations and detailed radiographs guide you through each step of endodontic care — from diagnosis and treatment planning to proven techniques for managing pulpal and periapical diseases. New to the print edition are seven new chapters, and the eBook version adds three more. As an Expert Consult title, Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp lets you search the entire contents of the book on your desktop or mobile device, and includes videos, case studies, and more. Edited by noted specialists Kenneth Hargreaves and Louis Berman, this book is the definitive resource in endodontics!
Key Features
- Print version of the text includes 27 comprehensive chapters and meets the CODA requirements for endodontic dental education.
- EBook version of the text consists of 30 searchable chapters, including the 27 chapters in the print version, and features videos, PowerPoint® slides, review questions, case studies, and more; this expanded version makes it easy to find clinical answers quickly, and meets the needs of students, clinicians, and residents in endodontics.
- Videos and animations demonstrate key procedures such as palpation of the masseter muscle, introsseous anesthesia with the X-tip™ system, dentin hypersensitivity, indirect ultrasound, palpation of the temporomandibular joint, and ultrasonic settling.
- Over 2,000 illustrations include full-color photos and line art, along with a wide range of radiographs, clearly demonstrating core concepts and reinforcing the essential principles and techniques of endodontics.
- NEW co-editor Dr. Louis H. Berman joins lead editor Dr. Kenneth M. Hargreaves for this edition, anda respected team of contributors includes experts from many U.S.-based dental education programs, as well as programs in Canada, the U.K., Norway, Sweden, France, Germany, Italy, and Switzerland.
New to This Edition
- NEW chapter organization reflects the chronology of endodontic treatment with three comprehensive sections: Clinical Endodontics, focusing on core clinical concepts, and Biological Basis of Endodontics and Endodontics in Clinical Practice, both with information that advanced students, endodontic residents, and clinicians need to know.
- NEW! Three chapters are available in the eBook: Understanding and Managing the Anxious Patient, Endodontic Records and Legal Responsibilities, and Endodontic Practice Management.
- NEW Radiographic Interpretation chapter clarifies the diagnostic process with coverage of imaging modalities, diagnostic tasks, three-dimensional imaging, cone beam computed tomography, intra- or post-operative assessment of endodontic treatment complications, and more.
- NEW Pain Control chapter addresses the management of acute endodontic pain with coverage of local anesthesia for restorative dentistry and endodontics, along with nonnarcotic analgesics and therapeutic recommendations.
- NEW Evaluation of Outcomes chapter helps you achieveoptimal treatment outcomes with information on topics such as the reasons for evaluating outcomes, outcome measurements for endodontic treatment, and the outcomes of vital pulp therapy procedures, non-surgical root canal treatment, non-surgical retreatment, and surgical retreatment.
- NEW Root Resorption chapter covers the early detection, diagnosis, and histological features of root resorption, as well as external inflammatory resorption, external cervical resorption, and internal resorption.
- NEW Iatrogenic Endodontics chapter addresses failed treatment scenarios with key information on the event itself, the etiology, soft and hard tissue implications and symptoms, and treatment options and prognosis; the events include cervico-facial subcutaneous emphysema, sodium hypochlorite accidents, perforations (non-surgical), inferior alveolar nerve injury, surgical, sinus perforation, instrument separation, apical extrusion of obturation materials, and ledge formation.
- NEW Vital Pulp Therapy chapter provides an overview of new treatment concepts for the preservation of the pulpally involved permanent tooth, covering topics such as the living pulp, pulpal response to caries, procedures for generating reparative dentin, indications and materials for vital pulp therapy, MTA applications, and treatment recommendations.
- NEW Bleaching chapter addresses procedures that can be utilized during and following endodontic treatment to eliminate or reduce any discoloration issues, reviewing internal and external bleaching procedures and their impact on pulpal health/endodontic treatment — with presentations of cases and clinical protocols.
Table of Contents:
Intro: A View to the Future
1. Diagnosis
2. Radiographic Interpretation NEW!
3. Case Assessment and Treatment Planning
4. Pain Control NEW!
5. Tooth Morphology, Isolation, and Access Prep
6. Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System
7. Obturation of the Root Canal System
8. Non-Surgical Re-Treatment
9. Periradicular Surgery
10. Regenerative Endodontics
11. Evaluation Outcomes NEW!
12. Structure and Functions of the Dental-Pulp Complex
13. Pulpal Reactions to Caries and Dental Procedures
14. Endodontic Microbiology and Treatment of Infections
15. Pathobiology of Apical Periodontitis
16. Root Resorption NEW!
17. Diagnosis of the Non-Odontogenic Toothache
18. Management of Endodontic Emergencies
19. Management of Iatrogenic Events NEW!
20. Dental Trauma
21. Cracks and Fractures
22. Restoration of the Endodontically Treated Tooth
23. Pediatric Endodontics
24. Endodontic and Periodontic Interrelationships
25. Effects of Age on Endodontics
26. Vital Pulp Therapy NEW!
27. Bleaching Procedures NEW!
28. Understanding and Managing the Anxious Patient (online)
29. Endodontic Records and Legal Responsibilities (online)
30. Endodontic Practice Management (online)
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text book is very informative all edition hence would like to read new edition
this book is very good and I need it as teaching material for my students
for educational