Physiology MCQs for first year mbbs: Unit of distensibility is a) ml/mmHg b) c) mmHg/ml The Compliance of veins to arteries a) 8 times b) 16 times c) 24 times The pulmonary artery pressure as compared to systemic arterial pressure is a) 1/10th b) 1/6th c) 1/3rd Distensibility is a) Compliance/volume b) … [Read more...]
GLUCOCORTICOID: Glucocorticoid include cortisol (hydrocortisone) and corticosterone: Cortisol is more potent and has 95% of glucocorticoids activity while corticosterone has only 4% of glucocorticoid activity. Source: These are secreted mainly by zona fasciculata of adrenal cortex and a small quantity by zone reticularis· 2.Nature: Glucocorticoids are C2l … [Read more...]
Nephrotic Syndrome & diuretic, its types and mechanism
Nephrotic Syndrome and diuretic, its types and mechanism: THE NEPHROTIC SYNDROME It is a condition characterised by loss of Large quantities of plasma proteins into the urine. Is caused by increased permeability of the glomerular membrane. Conditions leading to NS Chronic glomerulonephritis. Amyloidosis, which results from the deposit, ion of an abnormal proteinoid … [Read more...]
Renal Diseases
RENAL DISEASES Renal diseases can be classified into: Acute renal failure. Chronic renal failure. Hypertensive kidney disease. Nephrotic syndrome and specific tubular abnormalities. 1.ACUTE RENAL FAILURE It is a reversible condition in which kidney is not able to perform its normal functions. Causes Acute glomerulonephritis. 2. Acute damage and … [Read more...]
Granulocytopoiesis (Development of granulocytes)
GRANULOCYTOPOIESIS (DEVELOPMENT OF GRANULOCYTES) The progenitor cells of the granulocytic series are derived from the multipotential hemopoietic stem cells CFU- GEMM. The eosinophils and basophils are derived from uni potential progenitor cells titled CFU-Eo and CFU-Ba, respectively. However, neutrophils are derived from bipotential progenitor cell CFU-GM. The CFU-GM … [Read more...]
Erythropoiesis (Development of erythrocytes)
ERYTHROPOIESIS (DEVELOPMENT Of ERYTHROCYTES) The erythrocytes are derived from the uni-potential progenitor cells called colony forming unit-erythrocyte (CFU-E), which themselves arise from CFU-GEMM. From CFU-E to mature RBC, the erythropoiesis comprises the following stages: Proerythroblast, basophilic erythroblast, polychromatophilic erythroblast, ortho- chromatophilic … [Read more...]
Einthoven’s triangle ,Current of injury and J point
Einthoven's Triangle Einthoven's Triangle is an equilateral triangle drawn arbitrarily around an area of the heart, apices of which is represented by the right arm, left arm and left leg. Einthoven's Law Statement If the electrical potentials of any two of the three bipolar limb leads are known at any given instant, the third one can be determined by summing the … [Read more...]
How to measure heart rate from ecg (electrocardiogram)
How to measure heart rate from ECG: Before going to calculate heart rate from an ecg strip. Lets me give a short introduction to ECG and its leads. Electrocardiogram (ECG) Graphic recording of electrical potential generated due to transmission of depolarization wave (or cardiac impulse) through the heart, and due to its spread into surrounding tissue and body surface. Is … [Read more...]
Heart Block And Its Types
Heart Block: Block of impulse transmission at any critical point from pace-maker SA node through conductive pathway of heart, is called heart block Types (1) Sino-atrial block (2) Atrio-ventricular block (3) Right or left bundle branch block (4) Arborization block Sino-Atrial Block When impulses from SA node is blocked before it enters atrial muscle, it is called … [Read more...]