BRS Pharmacology PDF 7th Edition is designed for medical college students, dental college students, and different college students getting ready to enter the well being care professions. It’s meant primarily to assist college students put together for licensing examinations, such because the USMLE, however can be utilized for course assessment or as a supplementary textual content. This e-book presents succint descriptions of how medicine act on the most important physique techniques, offering readers with important data with out overloading them with extraneous particulars. Written with a physique techniques method, the e-book begins with a chapter dedicated to the overall rules of drug mechanisms, and continues with chapters that element how medicine act on the most important physique techniques. Different chapters talk about quite a few well-liked medicine, like autocoids, ergots, anti-inflammatory medicine, and immunosuppresive brokers. Readers can even study medicine used to deal with anemia, issues of hemostatis, infectious illnesses, and most cancers. Moreover, the textual content covers pharmacological rules related to toxicology.
BRS Pharmacology, Seventh Edition, equips medical, dental, and other health professions students with the preparation needed to excel on licensing examinations and confidently transition to healthcare practice.
The popular BRS series format presents concise coverage of the general principles of drug mechanisms and detailed descriptions of how drugs act on major body systems, delivering vital information in a succinct, streamlined approach favored by today’s students. This trusted review also familiarizes students with the pharmacologic principles of toxicology and details essential information on drugs used to treat anemia, disorders of hemostasis, infectious diseases, and cancer.
Features of BRS Pharmacology PDF 7th Edition:
- Dozens of new and updated illustrations clarify sites and mechanisms of action, relationships between drug classes, interactions and more.
- New cross references in the Comprehensive Examination point students to specific content for fast, efficient remediation.
- Concise outline format offers an efficient review of high-yield topics.
- Enhanced review questions emphasize USMLE format for the most effective board preparation.
- eBook available. Fast, smart, and convenient, today’s eBooks can transform learning. These interactive, fully searchable tools offer 24/7 access on multiple devices, the ability to highlight and share notes, and much more.
Table of Contents:
1. General Principles of Drug Action 1
I. Dose–Response Relationships 1
II. Drug Absorption 6
III. Drug Distribution 10
IV. Drug Elimination and Termination of Action 11
V. Biotransformation (Metabolism) of Drugs 12
VI. Excretion of Drugs 15
VII. Pharmacokinetics 16
Review Test 20
2. Drugs Acting on the Autonomic
Nervous System 27
I. The Peripheral Efferent Nervous System 27
II. Parasympathomimetic Drugs 32
III. Muscarinic-Receptor Antagonists 37
IV. Ganglion-Blocking Drugs 39
V. Skeletal Muscle Relaxants 39
VI. Sympathomimetic Drugs 43
VII. Adrenergic Receptor Antagonists 48
Review Test 53
3. Drugs Acting on the Renal System 61
I. Diuretics 61
II. Nondiuretic Inhibitors of Tubular Transport 67
Review Test 69
4. Drugs Acting on the Cardiovasc ular System 73
I. Agents Used to Treat Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) 73
II. Antiarrhythmic Drugs 79
III. Antianginal Agents 85
IV. Antihypertensive Drugs 87
V. Drugs that Lower Plasma Lipids 92
Review Test 96
5. Drugs Acting on the Central Nervous System 101
I. Sedative–Hypnotic Drugs 101
II. Antipsychotic (Neuroleptic) Drugs 106
III. Antidepressant Drugs 109
IV. Lithium and Anticonvulsants Used to Treat Bipolar Disorder 114
V. Opioid Analgesics and Antagonists 116
VI. Antiparkinsonian Drugs and Drugs Used to Treat Alzheimer Disease 122
VII. Antiepileptic Drugs 125
VIII. General Anesthetics 129
IX. Local Anesthetics 134
X. Drugs of Abuse 136
Review Test 146
6. Autocoids, Ergots, Anti-inflammator y
Agents, and Immunosuppressive Agents 151
I. Histamine and Antihistamines 151
II. Serotonin and Serotonin Antagonists 154
III. Ergots 156
IV. Eicosanoids 158
V. Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) 160
VI. Drugs Used for Gout 169
VII. Immunosuppressive Agents 170
Review Test 175
7. Drugs Used in Anemia and Disorders
of Hemostasis 179
I. Drugs Used in the Treatment of Anemias 179
II. Drugs Acting on Myeloid Cells 183
III. Drugs Used in Hemostatic Disorders 184
Review Test 192
8. Drugs Acting on the Gastrointestinal Tract 197
I. Antiemetics 197
II. Anorexigenics and Appetite Enhancers 198
III. Agents Used for Upper GI Tract Disorders 199
IV. Prokinetic Agents 203
V. Drugs Used to Dissolve Gallstones 203
VI. Digestive Enzyme Replacements 203
VII. Agents that Act on the Lower GI Tract 203
Review Test 208
9. Drugs Acting on the Pulmonary System 212
I. Introduction to Pulmonary Disorders 212
II. Agents Used to Treat Asthma and Other Bronchial
Disorders 213
III. Drugs Used to Treat Rhinitis and Cough 219
Review Test 221
10. Drugs Acting on the Endocrine System 224
I. Hormone Receptors 224
II. The Hypothalamus 224
III. The Anterior Pituitary 228
IV. The Posterior Pituitary 230
V. Drugs Acting on the Gonadal and Reproductive System 232
VI. The Adrenal Cortex 241
VII. The Thyroid 245
VIII. The Pancreas and Glucose Homeostasis 247
IX. The Calcium Homeostatic System 253
X. Retinoic Acid and Derivatives 256
Review Test 260
11. Drugs Used in Treat ment of Infectious Diseases 263
I. Infectious Disease Therapy 263
II. Antibacterials 264
III. Antimycobacterial Agents 277
IV. Antifungal Agents 280
V. Antiparasitic Drugs 282
VI. Antiviral Drugs 287
Review Test 294
12. Cancer Chemotherapy 299
I. Principles of Cancer Chemotherapy 299
II. Alkylating Agents (selected) 300
III. Antimetabolites (selected) 304
IV. Natural Products 307
V. Miscellaneous Agents 309
VI. Steroid Hormone Agonists and Antagonists and Related Drugs 311
VII. Adjunct Agents 313
Review Test 315
13. Toxicology 320
I. Principles and Terminology 320
II. Air Pollutants 322
III. Solvents 324
IV. Insecticides and Herbicides 325
V. Heavy Metal Poisoning and Management 326
VI. Drug Poisoning 329
Review Test 331
BRS Pharmacology PDF 7th Edition details
- Paperback | 384 pages
- 177.8 x 251.46 x 17.78mm | 725.74g
- 27 Aug 2013
- Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
- Philadelphia, United States
- English
- 6th edition
- 60
- 1451175353
- 9781451175356
- 61,966
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