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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Basic Principles of Pharmacology with Dental Hygiene Applications PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
The primary goals of this textbook are to present up-todate pharmacologic principles in an easy-to-read language while identifying applications of the information to everyday life of dental hygiene practice.
The unique author team of Frieda Pickett, RDH, MS, a dental hygiene educator, and G´eza Ter´ezhalmy, DDS, MA, Professor of Oral Medicine and Pharmacology, have developed a text that coordinates principles of pharmacology with pathophysiology and identifies applications to the oral health treatment plan and treatment record information. Previous texts on this topic have not been directly relevant to clinical uses of pharmacologic information in dental hygiene practice, whereas this textbook includes several useful subjects that are not found in other pharmacology textbooks for dental hygiene students. This information includes: a chapter dealing specifically with adverse drug effects (Chapter 5) a chapter dealing with substance abuse, which includes sources for assisting the oral health professional with a substance abuse problem (Chapter 23) a chapter discussing herbal products used in oral care (Chapter 20) an eight-page color insert containing clinical images of adverse drug effects information on Canadian regulatory agencies The text emphasis is on drug products that are likely to be administered by dental hygienists or taken by dental patients. Detailed information on product selection is discussed in the chapters dealing with local and topical anesthetics, fluorides, and desensitizing agents. Attention is paid to the use of dental drugs in special populations, such as during pregnancy and lactation, or in clients taking medications to control the effects of common chronic diseases. Because dental hygienists do not write prescriptions (other than in one province of Canada), less emphasis is given to pharmacokinetics of various drug classifications than is found in other textbooks. This textbook can be used in conjunction with the same author team’s Dental Drug Reference with Clinical Implications, published in 2008, which includes detailed information on clinical considerations for the dental professional.

The text is organized into four parts: General Principles of Pharmacology includes general information about drugs, how drugs work and what happens to them after administration, rules for prescribing drugs and information on prescription labels relevant to the dental hygienist, autonomic pharmacology, and adverse drug effects. Drugs Used in the Provision of Oral Healthcare includes pharmacologic properties of local anesthetics, various topical products used or recommended by the dental hygienist, analgesic agents recommended or prescribed for oral pain, antibacterial agents and the relevance to dentistry, antifungal and antiviral drugs and the relevance to dentistry, drugs used for conscious sedation and general anesthesia, emergency drugs, and pharmacologic management of common oral conditions. Clinical application activities in these chapters focus on product selection and uses for dental hygiene procedures. Drugs Used to Control Systemic Disorders describes the disease condition and agents used to manage signs and symptoms. Clinical implications are highlighted as each chapter ends with a discussion of dental hygiene applications relevant to the medical condition or drug effects. Drugs Used by Special Populations includes significant information relevant to clinical considerations of clients in these categories when they present for oral health care. Agents used in dentistry are highlighted in the chapter on herbal supplements, and sources for helping individuals seek treatment for substance abuse is discussed in Chapter 23. Special considerations for the pregnant client are highlighted in this section.
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