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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Anatomy Recall Second Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Anatomy Recall, Second Edition is a concise, affordable, pocket-sized review of the fundamentals of human anatomy. As part of the popular Recall Series , it utilizes a two-column, question-and-answer format that facilitates quick learning of human anatomic facts through repetition.
While not intended as a comprehensive anatomy reference, Anatomy Recall highlights the most important anatomic principles, which are complemented by a wealth of illustrations and anatomic correlations to clinical problems. It is an ideal study guide for medical students in their pre-clinical coursework, undergraduate or nursing anatomy study, clinical rotations, and board review.
New to this Edition:
- Updated by expert authors, including anatomists, medical students, and surgeons
- Expanded coverage now includes embryology highlights, summarizing the key anatomic principles of human embryology
- Clinical Pearls emphasize important clinical correlations to anatomic principles
- Surgical Anatomy Pearls help third- and fourth-year medical students to prepare quickly for the most common intraoperative anatomy questions
- Power Review sections help focus last-minute review of the most commonly tested anatomy points
- Numerous effective illustrations allow correlation of factual information with key anatomical relationships
Anatomy Recall, Second Edition has everything you need for fast learning and recall—and nothing you don’t. You won’t find a better, more efficient or effective way to master the basics of anatomy.
Editorial Reviews
(University of Michigan Medical School) for Doody’s Medical Review, David W. Brzezinski, MD — Perhaps the greatest strength of the book is its complete yet concise style. It manages to accurately cover a very broad and complex field of study while limiting its scope to the most important and clinically relevant aspects. Of particular value are the clinical pearls which are inserted at relevant points in the text. Such pearls not only serve to teach students clinical concepts, they also reinforce the basic anatomy in a memorable way. The valuable embryology section is located toward the end of the book…. I found the book amazingly manageable for students and of appropriate depth. It is extremely practical for professional students and it can be used all the way through their residency (and beyond). I highly recommend it for any professional student, and only wish that I had such a valuable resource when I was a medical student. It should find its way into many a white coat pocket!
University of Michigan Medical School) for Doody’s Medical Review, David W. Brzezinski, MD — This question-and-answer formatted anatomy book is aimed at professional students seeking to understand the basics of anatomy without succumbing to the sheer volume of material that is typical of most medical gross anatomy texts…Speaking as a former medical student and as a current gross anatomy instructor, this book is much needed. It, indeed, makes anatomy accessible to the professional student, and it does so in a memorable manner…Since most of the authors have experienced medical school first-hand, their background and understanding are second to none. The combination of basic science and clinical pearls is well balanced, accurate, and engaging.
Product details
Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: LWW; Second edition (November 9, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 078179885X
ISBN-13: 978-0781798853
Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 0.6 x 7.9 inches
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