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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Alexanders Discipline A Simple Decision PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
When we started in the practice of Orthodontics, our knowledge was going through a moment of transition in which past wisdom from Angle, and even Tweed, was beginning to suffer strong influences mainly by the unrivalled advancement in recent years of, among them: brackets with built in torque, the relevance of the profile in the process of diagnosis, and in particular, of the function, which began to take precedence, with the “old” articulator being no longer a gadget restricted to those professionals working prosthetics rehabilitation.
It was not that Angle or Tweed were superseded, on the contrary, but their knowledge was being affected by reformulations and improvements brought by a greater standardization of the mechanics, with the aim of reducing the chances of errors in orthodontic treatment, without forgetting the value of each within the evolutionary process. In addition, some theories were being questioned with some orthodontists presenting alternatives in the formulation of the diagnostic process; after all, modern times brought a strong preoccupation with the final profile resulting from orthodontic treatments.

And having graduated around that time, I decided in principle to conduct Orthodontics in a way that included old concepts – mainly because in the beginning I did not feel apt to question or even discuss certain theories. But in the search of an ideal in Orthodontics that wasn’t an the end in itself, but in the resolution of problems normally faced in the day-to-day of my practice, I took to treat my patients using a mixture of concepts by Tweed, adding further knowledge from Andrews, and later, Roth, to finally, decide on a an interpretation of Orthodontics from the perspective of Alexander. Today, however, I realise that there is no ideal technique, on the contrary, what exists is the simplest solution for each case, and therefore I believe that there is no unique truth but common sense so that the many problems faced by the Orthodontist can have a formula clinically applicable, preferably low-cost, and that brings satisfactory results in a reasonable time. That is to say, a device may have one thousand of the latest generation of ideas added to its design, but which of these to use and when to put them into practice is a task left to our individual experience and will always influence certain standards and procedures in the development of a successful Orthodontic treatment plan.
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