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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of ABC of Sepsis PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Sepsis is a complex condition with a range of aetiologies. Whilst appropriate early intervention has been shown to improve outcome, its recognition and immediate management remain a challenge to healthcare workers.
This book – Medical PDF Free: ABC of Sepsis PDF is aimed primarily at doctors, nurses and allied health professionals working in secondary care. It will be most relevant to those working in acute specialities, highlighting the need for prevention where possible, for vigilance, for an immediate response, and for effective collaborative working across disciplines to achieve the best standard of care for these patients. The diversity and extent of sepsis demands attention by all, however, and those working in primary care may find value too–particularly in causation, pathophysiology and recognition. With increasing resources devoted to pre-hospital emergency care, and widening scopes of practice of paramedical staff, some aspects of immediate diagnostic and therapeutic interventions are becoming increasingly relevant outside the hospital environment.

We hope that you find the ABC of Sepsis not only of educational value but also a pragmatic guide to how to manage these patients in your place of work. The burden of sepsis on health care is significant. Worldwide, 13 million people become septic each year and 4 million die. In the United States alone, this accounts for approximately 750 000 cases per year, 215 000 resultant deaths, and annual costs of 16.7 billion dollars. Not only is the incidence of severe sepsis higher than that of the major cancers (Figure 1.1) but it has also estimated that in the United Kingdom just under 37 000 deaths are caused annually by the condition – a figure higher than that for lung cancer, or for breast and bowel cancer combined (Figure 1.2). Mortality rates for severe sepsis are 30 to 50%; for septic shock, even higher than 50%. Furthermore, the incidence of sepsis is increasing and will continue to do so as the population ages. Clinicians are challenged to manage this disease in an aging population with multiple co-morbidities, relative immunosuppression and a changing pattern of causative microorganisms.
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