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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine 2nd Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
It is 7 years since publication of the first edition of ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine, during which time much has changed in medical education. You can download best books for med students from here.
Greater recognition of the importance of basing educational design on sound theoretical footings has been accompanied around the world by more direct involvement of governments and regulatory bodies in the organisation and delivery of undergraduate education and postgraduate training. Medical education at all levels has recognised a need to respond to the wider demands of the public, employers and regulatory bodies, to ensure that medical graduates are fit for practice, that junior doctors gain appropriate knowledge and expertise in their chosen field and that specialists are able to develop and adapt in a rapidly changing health-care environment. As a result of these changes, many more doctors have become interested in medical education and have pursued formal training to enhance their abilities as teachers and learners.

Throughout all of this, the basic skills of good medical teachers remain largely unchanged. The original ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine was conceived as an introductory and accessible text on medical education, illustrating the way in which educational theory and research underpins the practicalities of learning and teaching in medicine. In this second edition, our aim has been to preserve that original aim, whilst introducing some new material including chapters on Medical Professionalism, Faculty Development and Students in Difficulty. Once again, we have invited a group of international authors to contribute and, as editors, we are very grateful to them for their expert contributions. We should like to thank all the staff at Wiley-Blackwell who have been involved in this project and in particular Laura Quigley, Karen Moore and Adam Gilbert. We hope that readers will find this second edition of the ABC of Learning and Teaching in Medicine interesting, stimulating and valuable to them in their daily work.
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