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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of ABC of Eyes 4th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
We would like to acknowledge the help we have received over the years from our general practitioner, medical student, and ophthalmological colleagues for their probing questions that have helped us crystallise our thoughts on many topics.
We are grateful to Alan Lacey from the Department of Medical Illustration at Moorfields Eye Hospital for his superb artistry and the diagrams. We would also like to thank Peggy Khaw for her tremendous work on the many drafts of the book from its inception, and Jennifer Murray for her help with the 4th edition. In the past Jane Smith, Mary Evans, Mary Banks, Deborah Reece, Alex Stibbe, and currently Eleanor Lines and Sally Carter have also been very supportive, steering us through the pitfalls of publishing.

We also thank Steve Tuft for his expert advice on the refractive surgery section and Marie Tsaloumas for the photographs of age-related macular degeneration. Jackie Martin (supported by the Royal London Society for the Blind), Barbara Norton, and Jennifer Rignold guided us through the services for the visually handicapped. We thank Pharmacia (now Pfizer) for permission to use their colour plates on cataract surgery (page 48), Guide Dogs for the Blind for the picture of the guide dog (page 43), and Simon Keightley of the DVLA for his advice on driving standards.
We are grateful to many people and organisations for use of their photographs in Chapter 14. These include the International Resource Centre for the Prevention of Blindness at the International Centre for Eye Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London; Sue Stevens; John DC Anderson; Pak Sang Lee; Murray McGavin; Hugh Taylor; the Christoffel-Blindenmission (CBM); and the World Health Organization (the photograph of corneal melt on page 83 is from their Primary Eye Care slide set). The map on page 83 showing areas affected by onchoceriasis is adapted from a slide from the Image Bureau. Most of the photographs are copyright of Professor Peng Khaw. Some photographs are copyright of Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Trust. The photograph of postoperative glaucoma drainage bleb on page 85 is copyright of City Hospital NHS Trust, Birmingham. We would like to acknowledge the support of the Michael and Ilse Katz Foundation.
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