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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of ABC of Diabetes 6th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Building on the established reputation of the ABC of Diabetes series, this completely rewritten sixth edition contributes insights and materials from the Diabetes educational programme of Warwick Medical School.
Originating in a primary care context, the Warwick teaching programme draws equally on secondary care expertise based at the Warwickshire Institute for Diabetes, Endocrinology and Metabolism (WISDEM), hosted by University Hospital, Coventry. The wider metabolic context in which diabetes occurs is an important research interest at Warwick and this will hopefully be reflected through the pages of this book.

Newtechnologies create opportunities for diagnostic, therapeutic and organisational innovation. The development of an increasingly integrated software environment through the UK National Health Service provides means of organising and monitoring diabetes care that were not available to previous generations of health professionals. This book explains how organisational infrastructure is as important as any other aspect in ensuring high quality diabetes care. Whilst using UK examples to illustrate these principles, we hope that readers in other countries may recognise this common need.
The interaction between primary and secondary care, including criteria for cross-referral is of central importance in developing services based on locally available resources. The book promotes the patient-centred approach throughout. It responds to the increasing importance of the primary care setting, whilst also covering the hospital management of emergencies. People living with diabetes in the twenty-first century generally expect to be involved in treatment decisions, if not to lead them, but they equally expect their health care professionals to be well informed and to provide authoritative guidance, particularly when things don’t go to plan. We hope that the insights offered by this book will equip practitioners for both circumstances – managing the routine ‘surveillance’ scenarios when risk factor control and quality of life issues are the priorities, whilst retaining the ability to respond to acute situations of metabolic instability or fulminating complications. These are exciting times, as new discoveries and technologies are making significant improvements in outcomes for people with diabetes. Thus, new developments in diabetes care can easily overtake current policy. We have attempted to incorporate all recent developments, for example, the diagnostic criteria for diabetes, as discussed in the first chapter. Whilst we would advise readers to keep a watchful eye on new developments, we feel confident that this book will provide a sound understanding of the guiding principles of diabetes management.
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