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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines & Policies: A Compendium of Evidence-based Research for Pediatric Practice PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
In response to the growing trend toward the practice of evidence-based medicine, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) created an organizational process and methodology for developing clinical practice guidelines. These guidelines provide physicians with an evidence-based decision-making tool for managing common pediatric conditions.
The evidence-based approach to developing clinical practice guidelines requires carefully defining the problem and identifying interventions and health outcomes. An extensive literature review and data analysis provide the basis for guideline recommendations. Clinical practice guidelines are also subjected to a thorough peer-review process prior to publication and subsequent dissemination, implementation, and evaluation. They are periodically reviewed to ensure that they are based on the most current data available.

American Academy of Pediatrics clinical practice guidelines are designed to provide physicians with an analytic framework for evaluating and treating common pediatric conditions and are not intended as an exclusive course of treatment or standard of care. When using AAP clinical practice guidelines, physicians should continue to consider other sources of information as well as variations in individual circumstances.
The AAP recognizes the incompleteness of data and acknowledges the use of expert consensus in cases in which data do not exist; thus, AAP clinical practice guidelines allow for flexibility and adaptability at the local level and should not replace sound clinical judgment. This manual contains clinical practice guidelines, technical reports, and technical report summaries developed and published by the AAP. Full technical reports are available on the companion CD-ROM. Each full technical report contains a summary of the data reviewed, results of data analysis, complete evidence tables, and a bibliography of articles included in the review.
This manual also contains abstracts and introductions for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines from other organizations that the AAP has endorsed. Clinical practice guidelines will continually be added to this compendium as they are released or updated. We encourage you to look forward to these future guidelines. Additionally, this edition includes the full text of all policy statements, clinical reports, and technical reports published in 2013 by the AAP as well as abstracts of all active AAP and endorsed policy statements and reports. The full text of all endorsed clinical practice guidelines, as well as all active AAP and endorsed policy statements and reports published prior to 2013, is included on the companion CD-ROM
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Download Pediatric Clinical Practice Guidelines & Policies: A Compendium of Evidence-based Research for Pediatric Practice PDF
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