In this blog post, we are going to share a free PDF download of Roitt’s Essential Immunology 13th Edition PDF using direct links. In order to ensure that user-safety is not compromised and you enjoy faster downloads, we have used trusted 3rd-party repository links that are not hosted on our website.
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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Roitt’s Essential Immunology 13th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Roitt’s Essential Immunology – Greetings, dear reader! In the exciting world of scientific progress, immunology plays a prominent role and we have aimed to bring this edition to the cutting edge of the latest discoveries. Highlights of the new updates include:
▪ Tailoring of the adaptive immune response to pathogens, particularly in the skin by pattern recognition receptors
▪ New insights into the interaction between antibodies and Fc receptors, and immunoglobulin genetics
▪ Epigenetic control of T‐cell activation
▪ T‐cell recognition of lipid antigens and beautiful high‐resolution images of interactions with other cells of the immune system
▪ Expanded discussion of novel events in cytokine biology
▪ Revised section on antibody interaction with viral proteins
▪ Recent developments in vaccinology including RNA vaccines
▪ Induction of cells suppressing a protective immune response by tumors, and recent breakthroughs in tumor immunotherapy
▪ Induction and maintenance of immunosuppression to curb graft rejection
▪ The role of inflammasomes in autoinflammatory disease
… and much more!
We try to maintain the chatty style characteristic of all earlier editions, imagining that you and the authors are on either side of a fireplace discussing the issues informally, which we hope makes the process of assimilation less painful and quite probably enjoyable.

Roitt’s Essential Immunology clearly explains the key principles needed by medical and health sciences students, from the basis of immunity to clinical applications. A brand new introduction sets the scene to section 1, Fundamentals of Immunology, introducing the microbial world and the strategies the body employs to defend itself. Each chapter then guides the reader through a different part of the immune system, and explains the role of each cell or molecule individually, and then as a whole. Section 2, Applied Immunology, discusses what happens when things go wrong, and the role the immune system plays alongside the damaging effects of a disease, including cancer, immunodeficiency, allergies and transplantation and the beneficial effects of vaccines.
The 13th edition continues to be a user-friendly and engaging introduction to the workings of the immune system, whilst supporting those who require a slightly more detailed understanding of the key developments in immunology. The content has been fully updated throughout and includes:
- An expansion on key clinical topics, including: innate immunity, autoimmune conditions, asthma, primary immunodeficiency, and HIV/AIDS
- Beautifully presented with improved artwork and new illustrations
- A range of learning features, including introduction re-cap boxes, end of chapter and section summaries to aid revision, as well as further reading suggestions, and a glossary to explain the most important immunology terms.
Roitt’s Essential Immunology is also supported by a companion website at including:
- An additional online only chapter on immunological methods and applications
- Further interactive multiple choice and single best answer questions for each chapter
- Animations and videos showing key concepts
- Fully downloadable figures and illustrations, further reading and useful links
- Updated extracts from the Encyclopaedia of Life Sciences
- Podcasts to reinforce the key principles explained in the text
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I am interested in inmmunology