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Now before that we move on to sharing the free PDF download of Oxford Textbook of Medicine 6th Edition PDF with you, here are a few important details regarding this book which you might be interested.
Oxford Textbook of Medicine 6th Edition PDF is one of the best Book for quick review. It is very good book to study a a day before your exam. It can also cover your viva questions and will help you to score very high. This book for the subject of medicine is one of the best medical books available for medical students and consultants on the market. It contains all the essential material required for everyone in the world of clinical medicine due to it’s widest variety of theory and clinical information. This book is a must download for everyone. Get it now.
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Features of Oxford Textbook of Medicine 6th Edition PDF
Following are the features of Oxford Textbook of Medicine 6th Edition PDF:
The Oxford Textbook of Medicine 6th Edition PDF is the foremost international textbook of medicine. Unrivalled in its coverage of the scientific aspects and clinical practice of internal medicine and its subspecialties, it is a fixture in the offices and wards of physicians around the world , as well as being a key resource for medico legal practitioners. Accessible digitally with regular updates, as well as in print, readers are provided with multiple avenues of access depending on their need and preference.
More comprehensive, more authoritative, and more international than any other textbook; Oxford Textbook of Medicine focuses on offering both perspective and practical guidance on clinical management and prevention of disease.
Introductory sections focus on the patient experience, medical ethics and clinical decision making, outlining a philosophy which has always characterized the Oxford Textbook of Medicine. It is humane, thought provoking, and aims to instill in readers an understanding of the role of medicine in society and the contribution it can make to the health of populations, and it does not shy away from discussion of controversial aspects of modern medicine.
As always, there is detailed coverage of all areas of internal medicine by the world’s very best authors. The Oxford Textbook of Medicine 6th Edition PDF seeks to embody advances in understanding and practice that have arisen through scientific research. The integration of basic science and clinical practice is unparalleled, and throughout the book the implications of research for medical practice are explained. The core clinical medicine sections offer in depth coverage of the traditional specialty areas. The Oxford Textbook of Medicine has unsurpassed detail on infectious diseases: the most comprehensive coverage to be found in any textbook of medicine. Other sections of note include stem cells and regenerative medicine; inequalities in health; medical aspects of pollution and climate change; travel and expedition medicine; bioterrorism and forensic medicine; pain; medical disorders in pregnancy; nutrition; and psychiatry and drug related problems in general medical practice. The section on acute medicine is designed to give rapid access to information when it is needed quickly.
In response to ongoing user feedback there have been substantial changes to ensure that the Oxford Textbook of Medicine 6th Edition PDF continues to meet the needs of its readers. Chapter essentials give accessible overviews of the content and a new design ensures that the textbook is easy to read and navigate. The evidence base and references continue to be at the forefront of research.
New to this edition is that purchasers of the print version of the Oxford Textbook of Medicine 6th edition PDF will have free access on Oxford Medicine Online to all the content plus regular updates for the life of the edition.
The Author
DM (Oxford), FRCP (Royal College of Physicians of London)
- General nephrology
- Medical aspects of renal transplantation
- General medicine
Dr Firth is one of two deputy medical directors of Cambridge University Hospitals. He qualified in medicine from University of Cambridge (pre-clinical) and University of Oxford (clinical), trained in general medicine and nephrology in London and Oxford, and first worked as a consultant (supported by the Wellcome Trust) in Oxford before moving to Cambridge as an NHS consultant physician in 1996. Aside from clinical duties he has particular interest in medical management (Deputy MD), medical education and training (previously Associate Dean of Cambridge Clinical School, currently chair of Cambridge Clinical School’s Fitness to Practise committee, currently vice-Chair of the national General Internal Medicine Specialist Advisory Committee), and writing and editing medical textbooks and learning materials (editor of Oxford Textbook of Medicine, editor-in-chief of Medical Masterclass (RCP London).
User Reviews
Review from previous edition: “Over the past 3 weeks, it has had pride of place on my office table, usually with one or other volume open at a key page. ‘Cor’, is the typical response of colleagues entering the room, ‘Got a new textbook I see’. At L275 and with metallic sheen on the cover as
standard, this is the intellectual equivalent of a Jaguar coupe and inspires similar levels of envy.”
–Family Practice, August 2003
“It is an invaluable source of information, well written by experts in their respective fields. It will be the first reference source I choose when questions arise as I continue to practice medicine.”
–Doody’s Journal, October 2003
“Can we have a broader view of ourselves again as gatekeepers of the health of populations? This is an issue that is intelligently addressed. The coverage of the global burden of disease, preventive medical strategies, health policy, and costing are new and welcome additions. I found these
sections to be especially thought-provoking and believe that they are valuable reading for all budding medical graduates, teachers, and researchers.”
–The Lancet, June 2003
- The chapter on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (“chronic fatigue syndrome”) is very inaccurate. Instead of boring you, I will just point out one salient fact which is emblematic of Prof. Michael Sharpe’s approach: the chapter is included in the psychiatric chapter when it has been proven over and over again to be an internal medicine disease, especially neurological and immunological. The editors should know better than to allow Prof. Sharpe to write the chapter since his writings on ME are well-known in the field to have been discredited innumerable times.It may seem harsh to give the whole book only two stars since in the main it is a solid work and certainly comprehensive. I certainly think that is a really good point. However, I have decided to give it two stars since the type of blatant misrepresentation that is included here has caused a tremendous amount of iatrogenic morbidity and even some mortality in ME patients.
I am very eager to give the book five-stars, because in most other respects, it really deserves it. I have learned a lot from it. Please substitute an accurate chapter on ME and I would be delighted to give it five-stars and evangelize for Oxford’s. The essential documents on ME (with more than enough information to fill a chapter here) are:– the 2003 Canadian ME/CFS Consensus Criteria– the 2010 validated research version of the above CCC by Prof. Leonard Jason
– the 2011 International ME Criteria
– the 2012 International Association of CFS/ME Primer for Physicians on ME/CFS
Unfortunately Amazon does not allow me to insert hyperlinks for the above.
Please contact me if you wish further information or if you wish to find an author who will draft an accurate chapter for you free of charge. Thank you.
Dimensions and Characters of Oxford Textbook of Medicine 6th Edition PDF
- 7728 Pages
- File Size: 260 MBs
- English Language
- 5-Star Rating
- Oxford Medicine Books
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