This original post is aimed for those who have downloaded the Zanki Step 1 Deck 2023 but needed instructions as to what the Zanki Deck includes and how to use it. Today, in this article, you will be able to download Zanki Step 1 Deck for free using official download links.
According to the author, he always saw people updating Bro’s Anki Deck and was inspired to start one of his own. So, he worked on this Anki deck during the course of my MS1 and MS2 years for Step 1. The deck covers most things in First Aid for the USMLE Step 1. The authors further said that he will explain parts of First Aid that he did not Anki. There are just under 20,000 cards. I feel this deck helped me greatly during my studies and helped me score in the 260s on USMLE Step 1.
Each deck will have some very basic cards in the beginning that you can probably see once and suspend. These decks were meant to start at any level of knowledge. I’ll go into a breakdown of the content of each deck below:
USMLE Step 1 Lecture Notes 2021: 7-Book Set PDF Download Free
Deja Review USMLE Step 1 2nd Edition PDF Download Free
- Biochemistry: based off of FA2016 + Turco (Kaplan)
- Cardio: based off of FA2016 + Pathoma + Costanzo
- Dermatology: based off of FA2017 + Pathoma
- Endocrine: based off of FA2016 + Pathoma + Costanzo
- ** This was the First Deck I made and slightly lower quality. I also was not able to get the physiology cards to get in the original order.
- GI: based off of FA2017 + Pathoma + Costanzo
- Heme-Onc: based off of FA2016 + Pathoma
- Immunology: based off of FA2017 + Pathoma + Kaplan
- Musculoskeletal: based off of FA2017 + Pathoma ** does not include anatomy
- Neurology: based off of FA2017 + Pathoma + Kaplan + RX videos
- **Side note: F neuro. It took so many resources to get a good complete understanding.
- Psychiatry/Psychology: based off of FA2017 + RX videos (amazing if you have the time to watch)
- Public Health Sciences: based off of FA2017 ** Doesn’t include things I thought were really intuitive
- Renal: based off of FA2016 + Pathoma + Costanzo
- Reproductive: based off of FA2016 + Pathoma + Costanzo
- **This was the second deck I made so the quality is somewhat lower. The subdeck titled “The Embryology That Shouldn’t Exist” is the embryo in the beginning of the chapter.
- Respiratory: based off of FA2016 + Pathoma + Costanzo
All the decks might have little UWorld facts sprinkled in here and there as well.
Every chapter except General Pharmacology is based off of FA + SketchyPharm. The subdecks follow the organization of FA, not Sketchy.
- AA General Pharmacology: This is the “Pharmacology” chapter of FA2017
- Autonomic drugs (FA2017 + Sketchy)
- Cardiovascular (FA2016 + Sketchy)
- Endocrine (FA2016 + Sketchy) ** Doesn’t have the two new Sketchy videos on thyroid and vitamin D that were added.
- GI (FA2016 + Sketchy)
- Heme (FA2017 + Sketchy) – Incomplete; only has heme. Didn’t have time to anki the oncology section of Sketchy.
- Immunology (FA2017) – Incomplete; only has SOME of the random drugs that they list.
- Neurology (FA2017 + Sketchy)
- Renal (FA2016 + Sketchy)
- Reproductive (FA2017)
- Respiratory (FA2016 + Sketchy)
Subjects in First Aid that were not covered:
- Microbiology (Huge. Sorry, never had time. SketchyMicro is life though)
- Antimicrobials (This hurts to type out. Never had time before step to anki)
- Neoplasia Chapter + Cancer pharmacology (That’s the only pathoma chapter I didn’t have time to anki. Also didn’t have time to do the Sketchy vids)
Here’s what a user said about the Zanki Step 1 Deck Download:
“I’ve used Bros deck over the first two years of medical school. I found Zanki’s deck 7 weeks before I was scheduled to take step 1 and was a little nervous about going through it in such short time. I used it all through dedicated and suspended easy cards as I went. This deck is awesome!! Especially the pharm and neuro cards. Use bros to fill in the gaps. Just got my step 1 score today and was ecstatic to see that I scored a 270.. I’m not one of those genius test takers either. ( I scored a 30 on the MCAT and go to a low tier MD school). Not trying to brag but just wanted to give my two cents to those who are wondering if they should use it or not”.
Zanki Step 1 Deck 2023 Download Free
Alright, here you will be able to access the free PDF download of Zanki Physiology and Pathology.apkg and Zanki Pharmacology.apkg using direct links mentioned at the end of this article. This is a genuine PDF (ebook) copy of this book hosted to 3rd-party online repositories so that you can enjoy a blazing-fast and safe downloading experience.
Physiology & Pathology:
Download Link
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Indeed, i can’t access to it either