GRANULOCYTOPOIESIS (DEVELOPMENT OF GRANULOCYTES) The progenitor cells of the granulocytic series are derived from the multipotential hemopoietic stem cells CFU- GEMM. The eosinophils and basophils are derived from uni potential progenitor cells titled CFU-Eo and CFU-Ba, respectively. However, neutrophils are derived from bipotential progenitor cell CFU-GM. The CFU-GM … [Read more...]
Erythropoiesis (Development of erythrocytes)
ERYTHROPOIESIS (DEVELOPMENT Of ERYTHROCYTES) The erythrocytes are derived from the uni-potential progenitor cells called colony forming unit-erythrocyte (CFU-E), which themselves arise from CFU-GEMM. From CFU-E to mature RBC, the erythropoiesis comprises the following stages: Proerythroblast, basophilic erythroblast, polychromatophilic erythroblast, ortho- chromatophilic … [Read more...]