Clemente’s Anatomy Dissector, Third Edition, is a complete guide of anatomical dissection, organized into 38 chapters protecting small, discrete areas of the human physique. You can download Clemente’s Anatomy Dissector 3rd Edition PDF Free from below link. Every chapter is designed to face alone, in order that instructors can simply adapt the fabric to their most popular … [Read more...]
Download Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy By Torsten B. Moeller PDF Free
On this a part of the article, it is possible for you to to entry the .pdf file of Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy 1st Version Vol.2 PDF : Thorax, Stomach, and Pelvis PDF Free EBook by utilizing our direct hyperlinks. We now have uploaded Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy 1st Version Vol.2 PDF : Thorax, Stomach, and Pelvis PDF Free to our on-line repository to make sure … [Read more...]
Haemocytometer – Improved neubauer’s chamber
Haemocytometer - Improved Neubauer's chamber: The Haemocytometer: Haemocytometer is an apparatus used to count various blood cells (RBS, WBC, Eosinophil and platelets). It consists of RBC, and WBC pipette ( Thoma diluting pipettes) and a thick slide (Neubauer's Chamber). Reagents: Hayem's fluid for RBC counting and its composition: NaCl - 0.5 g for isotonicity. … [Read more...]
BRS Anatomy Pdf download and review
BRS Anatomy Pdf download and review: Anatomy is the basic subject in medical Science. It is considered as one of the tough subject in first year. If you Studying snell anatomy, grays anatomy, clinically oriented anatomy, etc. is difficult for you then BRS Gross Anatomy is the only solution. It is a handy Book for every student for USMLE and other exams. You can download this … [Read more...]
Crimean congo haemorrhagic virus infection and eid
CRIMEAN CONGO HAEMORRHAGIC VIRUS INFECTION AND EID: With increasing cases of Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever in the country and Eid around the comer, this season we must be extra vigilant to protect ourselves from this potentially fatal infection. Remember Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever is spread by the bite of ticks which have fed on an infected animal or from exposure … [Read more...]
Study of Compound microscope and its types
STUDY OF THE COMPOUND MICROSCOPE A microscope (in Greek: mikros, “small' and, skopein, “to look” or “see”) is an instrument to see objects too small for the naked eye. The science of investigating small objects using such an instrument is called microscopy. In Physiology. The compound microscope (a light microscope consisting of multiple lenses) is the tool that can be used … [Read more...]
Anatomy mcqs for first year mbbs
Anatomy MCQs for first year mbbs: A 25 year old patient came in emergency with history of fall on outstretched hand. On X-ray examination, he was found to have dislocation of acromioclavicular joint. The most important factor for stability of this joint is Capsule of AC joint Superior ligament of AC joint Inferior ligament of AC joint Coracoclavicular … [Read more...]
Brachial plexus easily explained
Brachial plexus: Formed by Anterior Primary Rami of Spinal nerves C5 C6 C7 C8&T1 Brachial Plexus consists of: Roots Trunks Divisions Cords a). Roots Formed by ant, primary rami of C5 C6 C7 C8 T1 b). Trunks i. Upper trunk formed by union of C5&C6 ii. Middle Trunk formed by C7 iii. Lower Trunk formed by union of C8&T1 c). … [Read more...]
Welcome to MBBS Study Stuff
Welcome to MBBS Study Stuff: I feel a sense of pride and enthusiasm in presenting to you MBBS Study Stuff Blog. It gives me great honour to welcome you to my site. MBBS Study Stuff is specially designed with the aim of helping medical students & sharing everything you need to go through med school easily. I have designed the website in a user-friendly manner in order to … [Read more...]