Anatomy MCQs for first year mbbs:
A 25 year old patient came in emergency with history of fall on outstretched hand. On X-ray examination, he was found to have dislocation of acromioclavicular joint. The most important factor for stability of this joint is
- Capsule of AC joint
- Superior ligament of AC joint
- Inferior ligament of AC joint
- Coracoclavicular ligament
- Costoclavicular ligament
- After 2 month of mastectomy . .doctor examine the prominence of inferior and medial boder of scapula . .this is may be due to injury to which of the following nerve.
1 . medial pectoral nerve
2.lateral pectoral nerve
3.long thoraic nerve
4.thoracodorsal nerve
- Dorsal scapular nerve
- Which of the following is a hybrid muscle?
Biceps brachii
Triceps brachii
04.Which of the following statement is true regarding cephalic vein?
It is pre axial vein of upperlimb
It is formed by medial end of dorsal venous arch
Pierces deep fascia at lower border of pectoralis major
Accompanied by medial cutaneous nerve of forearm
Accessory cephalic vein is also present
- A Child has a boil or abscess in first web space , lymphatics from here will go directly into which of following lymph node
a)anterior group of axillary lymph node
b)posterior group of axillary lymph node
c)lateral group of axillary lymph node
d)central group of axillary lymph node
e)apical group of axillary lymph node
MCQs From 06 – 10:
- A patient came to the outpatient department with a complaint of sensory loss on the lateral side of the forearm.Injury to which one of following nerves will cause sensory loss?
- Axillary nerve
B.Median nerve
C.Radial nerve
D.Musculocutaneous nerve
E.Ulnar nerve
07. Damage to posterior card of brachial plexus result in sensory loss of
Medial side of arm
Medial side of forearm
C)lateral side of arm
- D) latera side of forearm
- E) skin over shoulder joint
- Ulnar nerve injury at wrist joint effect which muscle
- Adductor pollicus
- Abductor pollicis longus
- Flexor pollicis longus
- Flexor pollicis brevis
09.To test the sternocostal head of pectoralis major the arm must be
- A) abducted and pronated at 120*
- B) abducted 60* and adducted against resistence
- C) abducted 90* then moves anteriorly
- D) abducted and adducted superiorly
- E) adducted and rotated inferiorly
- If a patient had an injury of anatomical snuff box, and the content of the box are damaged, the blood flow to which of the following blood vessel will be affected.
- A) superficial palmar arch
- B) deep palmar arch
- C) dorsal carpal artries
- D) palmar carpal artries
- E) 2nd dorsal metacarpal artry
MCQs From 11 – 15:
- A serious complication of fracture of femoral neck is avascular necrosis of head of femur this occurs because of rupture of
- A) medial cirumflex femoral artery
- B) second perforating artery C) obturator artery
- D) accessory obturator artery
- E) deep circumflex iliac
12 . A boy fell on the ground while playing match. His talocalcaneonavicular joint is broken. Which of the following ligament is affected :
Short plantar ligament
Long planter ligament
Spring ligament
Bifurcate ligament
Deltoid ligament
- Which of the following act as tie beams of transverse arch.?
- Adductor hallucis muscle
- Short plantar ligament
- Long plantar ligament
- Extensor digitorum longus
- Extensor digitorum brevis
14- On the examination of the knee of a patient, doctor found excessive posterior displacement of tibia on femur. Which ligament is the cause of problem?
-Anterior cruciate
-Posterior cruciate
-Ligamentum patella
-Medial collateral ligament
-Lateral collatetal ligament
- Oblique popliteal liger is the continuation of:
- Semimembranosus
- Semitemdenosus
- Popliteal
- Sartorius
- Gracillus
MCQs From 15 – 20:
- Intramuscular injection is given in which of the quadrant of the gluteal region.
- Upper lateral
- Lower lateral
- Upper medial
- Lower medial
- Patellar tendon reflex is lost in patients with the following nerve injured.
-common peroneal
- If the upper part of popliteal artery is blocked due to atheroma in upper part, then blood supply to lower part persists this is due to the blood vessel.
Medial superior genicular artery
Lateral superior genicular artery
Medial inf. Genicular artery
Lateral inf genicular art
Descending genicular artery
19.Structure passing through lesser sciatic foramen
Inferior gluteal vessels
Inferior gluteal nerves
Nerve to obturator internus
Nerve to quadratus femorus
20.When the left foot is off the ground,the pelvis is kept in upright position by the action of:
A.gluteus medius and minimus of left side.
B.gluteus medius and minimus of the right side.
C.gluteus maximus and minimus of the left side.
D.gluteus maximus and minimus of right side.
E.gluteus maximus and medius of the right side.
MCQs From 21 – 25:
- In thoracic outlet syndrome which nerves are involved?
C8, T1
C3, C4, C5
C4 ,C5, C6
C8, T1, T2
T1, T2
- A vein that drains the right half of the thoracic wall and runs on right side of vertebral column opens in Superior Vena Cava and also connected to inferior vena cava through:
- A) accessory Hemi azygous
- B) lumbar asylums
C)Hemi azygous
- D) Right superior intercostal vein
E)Right subcostal vein
- which one of the following structure will be pierced by needle during intercostal nerve block which approaching through midaxillary line
a) external intercostal membranes
b) internal intercostal membranes
c) intercostal intimi
d) endothoracic fascia
e) serratus anterior
- a person comes to opd with dysphagia which chamber of the heart will b compressed
A: left atrium
B: right atrium
C:left ventricle
D:right ventricle
E: peaunutinfundibulum
- IN a hospital emergency a 21 year old boy states that he inhaled a peanut. On bronchoscopeanut will be most likely to be located in the :-
A. Right lower lobar bronchus
B. Left lower lobar bronchus
C. Left main bronchus
D. Left superior segment bronchus
E. None
MCQs From 26 – 30:
- Which of following structures develops from same embryological source during gametogenesis?
A)Theca interna & sartoli cells.
B)Zona pellucida & acrosome.
c)Zona granulosa & sertoli cells.
d)Theca externa & sertoli cells.
e)Primary oocyte & leyding cells.
- Male and female pronuclei are formed during fertilization due to
a)resumption of 2nd meiotic division
b)cortical and zona reaction
c)replication of DNA in nuclei of male and female gamete
d)cleavage division
- Which statement is true regarding development of notochord.?
(A) it extends from oropharyngeal membrane to cloacal membrane.
(B) It remains in connection with endoderm.
(C) it completely degenerates in fetal period
(D) it is mainly an inducer of gut formation
(E) its remnants may form chordomas
- Name the condition with high levels of alpha fetoprotein:-
A: -choriocarcinoma
B: -down syndrome
C: -turner syndrome
D:-spinabifid with myeloschsis
E: -hydatidiform mole
- Fetus receives passive immunity against many viral infections due to transfer of immunoglobulins from mother to fetus which viral infection is not associated with provision of passive immunity to fetus .
- A) rubella
- B) polio
- C) chicken pox
- D) hepatitis B
MCQs From 31 – 40:
- The smooth walled part of right atrium developed from
- A) primitive atrium
- B) septum spurium
- C) right venous valve
- D) right horn of sinus venosus
- E) neural crest cells
- Brachiocephalic artery develops from;
Aortic sac
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
5th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
- Crossing over with exchange of genetic material takes place in which of the following subphasic phase of prophase.
- Type 2 pneumocytes begin to produce surfactant at which week of development:
24 week
26 weeks
30 weeks
10 weeks
- The epithelium of uterine cervix is
A)simple columnar
B)simple columnar ciliated
C)stratified squamous non-keratinized
D)stratified squamous keratinized
E)simple squamous
- Reticulum fiber are non-banded in which type of collagen
- a) type 1 collagen
- b) type 2
- C) type3
- D) type4
- e) type7
- process in which membranous bounded vesicles are secreted
- a) apocrine secretion
b.holocrine secretion
c.ecrine secretion
- A patient came in an infertility clinic. Lung and sinus problem. Ineffective clearance of mucous. Which structure is non-functional?
Goblet cells.
Mucous acini
MCQs From 41 – 45:
- The binding of laminin to type IV collagen in basement membrane is due to
- A) Entactin
- B) Tenascin
- C) Fibronectin
- D) Heparan Sulphate
- E) Fibrillin
- The best example of the simple branched acinar gland is:
- pyloric glands of the stomach
- sweat glands
- penile urethra
- mammary glands
E .sebaceous glands
43.Functional characteristic of palatine tonsil?
Associated with maturation of T lymphocytes
Lined by squamous non-keratinized epithelium
Lymph node is covered by capsule
Lymph nodules is present in deeper portion
44.Transverse section of a hair follicle has
Multiple layers of polyhedral cells forming an outer root sheath
Glassy memb. Swparating hair from epidermis
Sweat glands pouring secretions into the hair follicle
Hair papilla predormant in resting hair follicle
Inner root sheath consists of keratin filaments
- Respiratory bronchialis lined by
pseudostratified columnar ciliated with goblet cells
stratified columnar with clara
simple cuboidal with clara
ciliated cuboidal with non ciliated clara
ciliated cuboidal with goblet cells
simple columnar epithelium with Clara cells
simple cuboidal epithelium with Clara cells
ciliated columnar epithelium with noncillated Clara cells
cilliated cuboidal with type 2 pneumocytes
MCQs From 46 – 50:
46.Typical example of atavistic epiphysis.
a)greater tubercle of humerus.
b) lesser trochanter of femur.
c)head of ist metacarpal.
d)coracoid process of scapula.
e)bases of all four lateral metacarpals.
- Bacteria and emboli are most commonly trapped in most of the following arteries of bone
- A) metaphysial arteries of mature long bone
- B) immature long bone
- C) Epiphysial arteries of mature long bone
- D) periosteal arteries of mature long bine
- E) Diaphysial nutrient artery of mature long bone
- The best example of bipennate muscle?
Tibialis Ant.
Flexor Hallucis Longus
Flexor Pollicis Logus
Peroneus Tertius
- Langer’s line are longitudinal in
- Thorax
- Lumbar
- Neck
- Limbs
- Head
- What is true regarding synchondroses?
-Secondary cartilagenous joint
-a limited degree of movement
-articular surface covered
-Contain intra cartilage disc
-permanent joint and present in adults.
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